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for the Detection of UHE Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos

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Presentation on theme: "for the Detection of UHE Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos"— Presentation transcript:

1 for the Detection of UHE Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos
Optimal Radio Window for the Detection of UHE Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos Olaf Scholten KVI, Groningen For the NuMoon collaboration ARENA

2 Principle of the measurement
Cosmic ray Detection: Westerbork antennas 107 km2 100MHz Radio waves Proefje door Tjalling Nijboer en Martin Stokroos: Statische electriciteit van wrijfstok is hoorbaar via radio ontvanger op de middengolf. ARENA

3 Radio emission Mechanisms
In air: Geo-synchotron radiation Coherent emission in Atmosphere LOPES In matter: Askaryan effect Coherent Čerenkov emission in ice, salt, rock, …. FORTE, RICE, SALSA, GLUE, ARENA

4 Askaryan effect: Coherent Cherenkov emission
~10 cm ~2 m Cosmic ray shower Wave front Leading cloud of electrons, v  c Typical size of order 10cm Coherent Čerenkov for ν  2-5 GHz cos θc =1/n , θc=56o for ∞ shower length Length of shower, L  few m Important for angular spreading ARENA

5 Importance of angular spread
Vacuum Cosmic particle interaction 3 GHz θc High frequency: - Internal reflection Δθc≈λ/ℓ = (at 2.2 GHz) 100 MHz Vacuum Cosmic particle interaction θc Lower frequencies: Considerable emission Larger angular acceptance Δθc = (at 0.1 GHz) ARENA

6 Spreading around Cherenkov-cone
Old : n=1.8 New : GHz MC calculations Sine profile L=1.7 m , E=1020 ARENA

7 Influence of frequency
Case: with surface Calculations for Ecr= eV Influence of frequency Simulations for Moon Minimal signal = 3000Jy 0.1 GHz 85% of area 2.2 GHz 0.8% of area ARENA Intensity v.s. cos θ, φ

8 Cosmic rays, Position on Moon
Calculations for Ecr= eV With decreasing ν : - increasing area - increasing probability ∫ over surface Moon D  ν-3 Partial Detection probability Normalized distance from center ARENA

9 Detection Limits, Cosmic rays
Minimum Flux for detecting 1 count/100h Detection threshold = 500Jy Decreasing ν : Increasing threshold like ν-1 Increase sensitivity like ν-3 ARENA

10 Neutrino Showers above 1020 eV
Hadronic Shower (20%) Relatively short EM Shower (80%) e Long EM shower EM= 36 cm/sqrt(E/1015 eV) Shower length ~ 60 m (E/1019 eV)1/3 Landau Pomeranchuck Migdal effect J. Alvarez-Muniz, E. Zas, P.L. B434 (98)396, Phys.Rev.D62(2000)63001 Shorter showers give larger angular spread seminar

11 Detection Limits, Neutrinos
Present results compared with that of GLUE experiment ARENA

12 NuMoon Experiment @ WRST
Use Westerbork radio observatory Advantages: MHz band 25 m diameter dishes 5 degree field of view 12-14 coincident receivers 500 hour observation time 40 M samples/sec (PuMa2) Polarization information ARENA

13 NuMoon Experiment @ WRST
Use Westerbork radio observatory ARENA

14 NuMoon Experiment @ LOFAR
Total collecting area 0.5 km2 Cover whole moon, Sensitivity 25 times better than WSRT. Bands: 30-80 MHz (600 Jy) MHz (20 Jy) ARENA

15 Cosmic Rays Sensitive to flux beyond GKZ limit ν=140 MHz
Detection threshold taken at Fdet= 25 Fnoise Δν=20 MHz , 4 bands ν=140 MHz WSRT: Fdet = 15,000 Jy WSRT: Fdet = 500 Jy ARENA

16 Neutrinos WSRT, 500 hours 2 counts LOFAR, 30 days 40 counts
Theoretical predictions: Waxman-Bahcall limit GZK induced flux Phys.Rev.D64(04)93010 Topological defects AstroPhys. J. 479(97)547 ARENA

17 Status experiment Tests data are being analyzed
Observation time granted at WSRT - 100h per half year, total 500h - starting July 14 Part of LOFAR Key Science Program ARENA

18 Observations raw data After Removing RFI time amplitude
Frequency spectrum After Removing RFI 20 kHz, low resolution 1.5 kHz, high resolution ARENA

19 Conclusions NuMoon Future: NuMoon @ WRST: NuMoon @ LOFAR
MHz band Large field of view Polarization information Future: LOFAR Within 100 hours competitive Sensitivity to cosmic rays and neutrinos NuMoon NuMoon collaboration: KVI: Jose Bacelar, Ad van den Berg, O.S. Astron: Robert Braun, Ger de Bruyn, Heino Falcke, Ben Stappers, Richard Strom (also UvA,RUG,RU) ARENA

20 LORD efficiency for neutrinos

21 Angular spread ARENA

22 Additional Radio-absorbtion length= λ/ν[GHz]: default: λ=9 m
Stopping power, default: X0 = 22.1 g/cm2 ARENA

23 sensitivity to top-soil

24 Angular spread emitted power Δθc≈λ/ℓ
Particle hits Moon (radius=1700 km; area = 6π 106 km2): protons interacts at surface neutrinos inside Transmission through Moon material λr= 9[m] /  [GHz] = 4m (at 2.2 GHz) Transmissivity across Moon surface – vacuum boundary eV eV Angular spread emitted power Δθc≈λ/ℓ Hadronic component: Δθc= 2.5 (3/) = 750 (at 0.1 GHz) 100 MHz Vacuum Cosmic particle interaction θc Case: with surface ARENA

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