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Final Project Review -Senior Design 2

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1 Final Project Review -Senior Design 2
Low Energy Printing Final Project Review -Senior Design 2 Josh Jones - Project Lead & ME Jenna Kilroy - Industrial Engineer Whitney Domigan - Mechanical Engineer Andrzej Lubaszka - Electrial Engineer Bill Nowak - Faculty Guide Project P09505 1<1> 1 April 6, 2019 Senior Design I – Mid Project Review 1

2 Agenda Project Description Final Design Concept System Architecture
Project Development Current State of Design Summary of Test Results Conclusions Questions

3 Project Description Re-consider the design of a low energy, cold pressure fuser. Key Customer Needs and Engineering Metrics:

4 Final Design Concept Top 2 (1/2”) Stabilizing Rollers
(May be parallel or skewed) Large Bottom (2”) Drive Roller Bearings (May be self aligning or flanged) End Plates Stabilizing Bars Drive Shaft

5 Top 1/2” Stabilizing Rollers
System Architecture Drive System Coupling System Torque Sensor Bottom 2” Roller Shaft Motor Bottom 2” Roller Bottom End Plate Top End Plate Top 1/2” Stabilizing Rollers Captive Screws Pressure Pressure Bottom 2” Roller Center 1.5” Roller

6 Product Development Process
Phase 0: Planning Define Project Goal Develop Customer Requirements Define Engineering Metrics Phase 1: Concept Selection 3 Rounds of PUGH Concept Selection Analysis of existing patens 1 Phase 2: Product Design ANSYS Modeling Validation using engineering calculations 2 Phase 3: Final Design Detailed Solid Works drawings Finalized BOM 3 MSD 1 Phase 4: Building Order parts Machine parts Assembly and mounting 4 Phase 5: Testing Multiple tests using DOE Test parallel and skewed rollers 5 MSD 2 Current State

7 Current State of Project
Design meets all key customer needs except: Generating a uniform pressure across the nip Where unable to test: Life of fuser Fused image quality: Gloss Complete smear tests Reflectivity Partial testing with skewed rollers Complete BOM for working prototype $ remaining of our original $5, budget

8 Summary of Test Results (Plots of Maximum Pressure Observed by Film)
The long edge feed results in higher pressure with the 24lb paper But the opposite is true for 20lb paper There is no compliance in the system no matter what the applied load is There is a significant increase in the registered pressure when there is compliance The lower registered pressure seen when the skewed configuration is tested is likely due to the pressure being more uniformly distributed across the nip. The same total pressure is achieved, but the maximum registered pressure is lower because the pressure is spread across the whole nip

9 Effects of Speed (rpm) on Pressure Applied and Configuration
Summary of Results Effects of Speed (rpm) on Pressure Applied and Configuration At higher speeds the skewed roller configuration results in significantly lower pressures than does either configuration at low speeds or the parallel roller configuration at high speeds The speed of the motor makes a difference in the registered pressure At lower applied pressures a larger difference is noted than at higher applied pressures

10 Conclusions Current Results: Future Work:
Demonstrate that you can successfully fuse toner to paper using pressure Identified parameters that have the greatest effect on paper damage and uniformity of pressure Minimal design and testing cost to customer Demonstrate the relationship between roller skew and smearing of toner Analyze the effect of oscillation in load has on pressure uniformity Analyze the effect of a double hump compare to a single hump Develop a better metric for determining the success or failure of fuser Uniform pressure Fused image Determine optimal configuration Degree of skew Pressure Compliance Time constant

11 Questions?

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