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Merja Tölle, Nicole Van Lipzig, Heimo Truhetz

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1 Merja Tölle, Nicole Van Lipzig, Heimo Truhetz
Nesting strategies Merja Tölle, Nicole Van Lipzig, Heimo Truhetz Working group CRCS Assembly 2013 Zurich, Swiss

2 1. State the reason why you have decided to take your specific nesting strategy about nesting steps and domain size (for example own experiences, followed some recommendation, from literature, if any please add references such as presentations or publications): Limited computational resources Took from DWD operational weather forecast Followed recommendation Per requirement Literature

3 2. Nesting steps 3. Simulated Region 4. Time interval 5. Grid points 6. Time step 7. Convection Scheme 8. Atm layers 9. Sim time ERA-Interim ->25km ->2.8km ->Europe ->Belgium ->6h ->1h 100x100 192x175 60s 20s Tiedke Shallow 50 IFS(25km) ->20km ->Eastern Alps ->Brandenburg ->3h 252x260 192x132 25s 1.Leapfrog 40 2007/08 May-Aug Nov-Feb ->12km ->2km Greater Alpine region 260x228 500x500 90s 60 Jul2006 MPI-ESM-LR ERA-Interim 80 km GCM 1.875°

4 2. Nesting steps 3. Simulated Region 4. Time interval 5. Grid points
7. Convection Scheme 8. Atm layers 9. Sim time CCLM18km(ECHAM5) ->7km ->1.3km Central Europe Central Germany 3h 1h 254x254 375x376 45s 12s Tiedke Shallow 40 ERA-Interim or GCM of CMIP5 ->50km ->12km ->3km ->1km European Alps ->3h ->1h 360s 100s 25s 6-8s EC Earth ->25km ->2.8km ->Europe ->Belguim ->6h 100x100 150x150 192x175 120s 40s Leapfrog Runge-Kutta 32 2-3d One week 20d ERA-Interim 80 km GCM 1.875°

5 9. Model version int2lm_1.9_clm5 cosmo_090213_4.8_clm11
cclm v4.8_clm6 CCLM 4.14 cosmo_090213_4.8_clm17

6 10. Literature for high resolution
Weisman, M. L., W. C. Skamarock and J. B. Klemp (1997). The Resolution Dependence of Explicitly Modeled Convective Systems. Mon. Wea. Rev , pp. 527– 548 Knote C, Heinemann G & Rockel B 2010 Meteorologische Zeitschrift 19(1), 011–023

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