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Working across the Tiers: Developing an Outreach and Intervention Plan

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1 Working across the Tiers: Developing an Outreach and Intervention Plan
Megan Dunn Davison, PhD Director of Continuous Improvement #everydaymatters18

2 Objectives Understand process mapping as a means for an outreach and intervention plan Understand the purpose, application, and structure of a model for improvement Understand the importance of measurement for improvement

3 Process Mapping What Is a Process? What Is a Process Map?
A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end or outcome. 1 2 3 4 What Is a Process Map? A process map is a visual tool that illustrates the flow of actions from start to finish.

4 Process Mapping Macro to Micro Example: Getting to work on time

5 Process Mapping Micro Example:

6 Stage 1: Compiling a process map
Consider who you would involve in the mapping exercise Name of the person completing task + verb Who does what and when? Define where the process starts and ends Keep a note of issues and opportunities

7 Process Mapping (10 mins)
Your Assignment Map the process of how your school responds when a student is absent. Tips Identify where the process starts and stops. Brainstorm the steps of the process. Write each step of your process on post-it notes. Determine the order. Map what actually happens, not what SHOULD happen. Back at school: Create a process map for how your school will respond when a student is absent.

8 Stage 2: Analysis and (Data Review)
How many steps in your process? How many duplications? How many hand-offs? What is the approximate time of or time between each step? Where are possible delays? Where are possible bottlenecks? How many steps do not add value for students and staff? Where are the problems for students and staff?

9 Examples Delays Administrative assistant or teacher out on leave
Bottlenecks No coverage for leave Rate increases before/after school holiday Value adding The activity moves the student towards the next defined outcome The activity is something that the student or staff cares about Non-value adding Do not serve any purpose (aim to remove these) Necessary non-value adding Do not directly benefit student but are necessary e.g. completion of forms, logging patient details onto systems, numerous checks of details

10 Analysis summary Steps Total number of steps Number of value steps
Value steps as % of total steps e.g. 7/12 = 58% Time Total time Hrs:Mins Time of value steps Value Time as % of total time e.g. 43/120 = 36%

11 At each step . . . . . . Identify what could go wrong.

12 Stage 2: (Analysis) and Data Review
Why does an attendance team use data? Ask WHO is chronically absent?

13 Ask WHO is chronically absent?
Data Review Why does an attendance team use data? Ask WHO is chronically absent?

14 Ask WHO is chronically absent? Ask WHY are they chronically absent?
Data Review Why does an attendance team use data? Ask WHO is chronically absent? Ask WHY are they chronically absent? Student Survey

15 Ask WHO is chronically absent? Ask WHY are they chronically absent?
Data Review Why does an attendance team use data? Ask WHO is chronically absent? Ask WHY are they chronically absent? Ask WHAT are we doing about it? Ask IS IT WORKING?

16 Step Into Your Students’ Shoes
“We spend a lot time designing the bridge, but not enough time thinking about the people who are crossing it.” – Dr. Prabhjot Singh Director of Systems Design at the Earth Institute

17 Analysis (10 mins) Your Assignment Tips
Start to list the barriers and supportive factors that affect attendance rates at your school. Tips Look at your process map. At each step, ask: “What could/does go wrong? What can/does prevent absences?” Look at your data review. What is your best guess as to why some students are missing too much school while others are succeeding? Think about your own experiences and your conversations with students and families. What barriers do they face? What do they find helpful? Back at school: Among all the factors you identified, work as a team to select those that are most important and within your circle of influence.

18 Factor Analysis What Is Factor Analysis? A.K.A. root cause analysis
A process for identifying possible causes of an outcome. Avoid band-aid fixes Methods: 5 Whys Pareto Charts Fishbone diagrams Tally sheets

19 Reduced Chronic Absenteeism
Factor Analysis Key Driver Diagram Supportive factors Peer-to-peer support Sports and extra-curricular activities Culturally relevant curriculum Safe schools Outcomes: Improved reading skills Improved reliability Improved graduation rates Reduced Chronic Absenteeism Barriers Lack of transportation options Parents working evening and night shifts Health and mental health (trauma) Transitions between elementary, middle, and high school

20 Process Map for Outreach and Intervention

21 What are effective interventions?
From prior school year Make a personal phone call and/or home visit to parent/guardian during registration Build a strong relationship Explain importance of attendance Review/Update process map from last year Refer family to appropriate school-based resources and/or community support agencies Encourage student participation in out-of-school time or extracurricular activities Any day of instruction Make a personal phone call Enter data at end of school day Verify accuracy of student information in system

22 What are effective interventions?
Absences of approximately 3 days Make a personal phone call and/or home visit to parent/guardian Refer family to appropriate school-based resources and/or community support agencies Encourage student participation in out-of-school time or extracurricular activities Absences of approximately 6 days Schedule conference with family and student to develop a plan Conduct a root cause/factor analysis Absences of approximately 10 days Make a school meeting and/or home visit and follow up on the plan Have a meeting with the student (middle/high school) Review prior absence data to determine if a patterns exists Consult with other team members for resource options

23 Focus on the future process
Think creatively/generate ideas Focus on ideas and opportunities Are the right people involved? – whole system approach where needed

24 Opportunities for Redesign

25 Key elements to process mapping
Map what actually happens – most of time Consider time lines Identify the potential barriers? What value is in the process? Include parallel processes Display the maps so all can see Allow comments Don’t redesign for redesign sake

26 Thank you! Acknowledgements: Deborah Good Bernalillo Public Schools
Mission: Graduate Research Team

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