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Economic Advisory APRIL 9, 2018 Brodie Miller.

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1 Economic Advisory APRIL 9, 2018 Brodie Miller

2 Portfolio Performance

3 Portfolio Highlights CRM – Salesforce sells $2.5 billion in debt to finance Mulesoft acquisition GOOG – Alphabet becomes the largest corporate buyer of renewable electricity NVDA – Wells Fargo downgrades on cryptocurrency price weakness IR – Ingersoll Rand acquires Agilis Energy

4 Econ / Market Summary - Stocks end mixed as trade tensions continue to dominate headlines - Jobs data offer a reminder that the economy is still healthy - Deutsche Bank picks retail specialist Christian Sewing as CEO - EU says Facebook confirmed data of 2.7 million Europeans 'improperly shared'

5 Upcoming Events Middlebury Women on Wall Street (WOW) - Tuesday, April 10th at 7pm in Atwater Suite ABL Women with all degrees of experience are welcome – those with full-time offers, internships, and those who are still trying to decide if finance is for them. This will be an informal meeting geared towards getting to know one another and providing an overview of the different opportunities available in finance. Through Midd WOW, we hope to create a network of women at Middlebury who can share their experiences and advice on the industry. 2018 MiddMentor Finance Student-Alumni Mentoring Program Application is open BAML – Info session April 27th

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