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Dec.6th A Frosty Situation By: Autumn Johnson.

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Presentation on theme: "Dec.6th A Frosty Situation By: Autumn Johnson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dec.6th A Frosty Situation By: Autumn Johnson

2 Will an increased amount of SALT
The Question Will an increased amount of SALT decrease the time to freeze?

3 Why? I love ice cream, so I wanted to know how to make it. I did research and found a recipe for kids! I wanted the ice cream recipe to be made sooner so, I changed the amount of salt to see how fast would the recipe would make the ice cream.

4 My Hypothesis If I increase the amount of salt on the ice, then the ice will get colder.

5 Independent Variable was:
Amount of salt Dependent Variable was: Time to freeze Controls were: Amount of Heavy whipping cream, Temp. of room, AND Amount of sugar.

6 ❆Use rest ingredients and get new supplies to repeat.
Procedure ❆Mix half the cream, sugar, and flavoring into a sandwich bag.Then,double layer it. ❆Put crushed ice into gallon bag and sprinkle 4/10 salt into it. Then, place sandwich bag into gallon bag and seal bag. ❆Put warm gloves on and shake the bag to keep the cream from clumping into a ice cube. ❆Use rest ingredients and get new supplies to repeat.


8 Data The real times were nine minutes and ten seconds for the trial with 4 tbs salt. The trial with 6 tbs salt took 10 minutes and 36 seconds. The ice cream freeze more quickly during the first one rather than the second.

9 Conclusion Will an increased amount of salt decrease the time to freeze? The ice cream took about the same time to freeze, but the second time took one minute and twentysix seconds longer to freeze. My hypothesis was incorrect because I thought the one with more salt would take less time but it did not. I learned that the salt in too large amounts will only melt the ice and the ice cream will not freeze asd fast. I could improve my experiment by placing a thermometer in each to see which gets colder.

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