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Aggression Paves the Road for War

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1 Aggression Paves the Road for War

2 Weakness of League of Nations
GERMANY : Hitler rebuilds G’s economy, navy, army, air force 1936: sends G troops into Rhineland H wants living space “Lebensraum” --- ITALY 1935: Italy invades Ethiopia, who asks LoN for help (does almost nothing) – Ethiopia falls Weakness of League of Nations

3 Weakness of League of Nations
SPAIN Spanish Civil War,  fascists led by Francisco Franco & helped by Hitler & Muss rebelled vs. repub. govt --- JAPAN 1931: est. puppet state in Manchuria (NE China) 1937: moves vs. China  brutal  “Rape of Nanjing” Weakness of League of Nations

4 Appeasement FR & GB policy of 1930s
Grant concessions to potential enemy to try to maintain peace Why? WWI so bad = no more war USSR>>> Germany & strong G would buffer against Soviets Resolve of own ppl/ allies? US isolated (Depr, etc.) Appeasement

5 Appeasement Brings War
Spring 1938: H annexes Austria (Anschluss) Fall 1938: H wants Sudetenland (lots of ethnic Gs) Appeasement Brings War FR & GB sacrifice Sudetenland (& Czech.) to appease Hitler  MUNICH PACT PM Chamberlain: “peace for our time”

6 The Ducktators

7 The Outbreak of WWII

8 Failure of Appeasement
Spring 1939: H absorbs rest of Czechoslovakia GB & FR sign alliance guaranteeing Poland H + Stalin = Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact (Aug 1939) Public: don’t attack Private: invade & divide Poland Failure of Appeasement

9 Sept. 1, 1939: blitzkrieg hits Poland from 3 directions (“lightning war”)
USSR invades east GB + FR do nothing Arrival of War

10 WWII Begins Axis: Germ – Ital – Japan
Allies: GB – FR – (eventually) USSR, USA, China G goes West, eventually to FR Large # of British troops escape but FR falls in 35 days Churchill  “fight on the beaches” speech G turns to GB, fight in air – Battle of Britain (summer 1940) WWII Begins


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