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“Find me the person online who can really help me now.”

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Presentation on theme: "“Find me the person online who can really help me now.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Find me the person online who can really help me now.”

2 Who else is facing a similar problem?
Cluster: Who else is facing a similar problem? Where can I find complementary approaches? Has anyone found contrary evidence?

3 BuddySpace We call it BuddySpace, and it looks like this: (1) Your group contacts, also known as a roster or Buddy List, are constructed automatically at the server, and pushed to your client; custom maps, for example (2) your office layout can be included, and all dots are dynamic: red means offline, yellow is away, and green is online; clicking on any dot opens up a chat window. You can broadcast messages to an entire group, and embed other maps wuch as world, (3) country, or regional maps, and create a custom ‘dashboard’ (4) to see the status of your favourite contacts.

4 Automatic groups, maps, clusters, presence

5 BuddyFinder Arbitrary keywords at user’s discretion

6 Easy search No keywords in your profile? Scans your pages + those of colleagues about you!


8 ‘Yoked’ apps via BuddySpace
Student A Student B (‘yoked’, but without full screen sharing required!)

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