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National Panel Briefings for External Authenticators

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1 National Panel Briefings for External Authenticators
ETB National Panel Briefings for External Authenticators 2019

2 Content Introduction to the FET Sector SOLAS QQI
Introduction to the ETBs Types of Provision Quality Assurance External Authentication

3 Who are SOLAS? Solas are the State Organisation with responsibility for funding, planning and co-ordinating Further Education and Training (FET) in Ireland Tasked with building the identity and values of a world-class, integrated FET sector that is responsive to the needs of learners and the requirements of a changed and changing economy

4 Introduction to ETBs ETBs were established following the restructuring of the Vocational Education Committees (VECs) with the functions of the Education and Training Board set out in the Education and Training Boards Act 2013. 16 Education and Training Boards throughout Ireland Each one is charged with the statutory responsibility of education in their area from Primary, secondary, adult and further education and training.

5 Types of Provision ITABE Adult Basic Education PLC
FET Cooperation Hours Refugee Resettlement Skills for Work Specialist Training Specific Skills Training Traineeship Training Voluntary Literacy Tuition VTOS Youthreach Adult Basic Education Apprenticeship Training Blended Training Bridging & Foundation Training BTEI Community Education Community Training Centres ESOL Evening Training

6 Who are QQI? QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) is an independent State agency responsible for promoting quality and accountability in education and training services in Ireland A part of QQI's role is to: promote, maintain and develop the Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) which will be discussed later approve, regulate and promote the quality of programmes offered by Providers leading to qualifications in the NFQ

7 QQI Cont. To assist ETBs, QQI has published Core Quality Assurance Guidelines; guidelines for ETB’s to develop their internal quality assurance procedures. QQI Sector Specific Quality Assurance Guidelines for ETB’s set out additional statutory quality assurance guidelines specific to education and training boards ETBs.

8 ETB Quality Assurance Each Provider (ETB) is responsible for the quality of programmes including assessment and authentication Each ETB has an agreed set of Quality Assurance Procedures with QQI Provider registration with QQI is by agreement on how programmes and services will be quality assured by the provider – model of continuous improvement

9 Assessment of Learners
Process of judging learner achievement against the standards of knowledge, skill or competence for the purpose of attaining an award Guidelines on best practice – Assessment Guidelines for Providers Range of procedures required as part of the provider’s quality assurance agreement

10 Provider’s Quality Assured Assessment - Process
Key Stages Planning and coordination of learner assessment Authentication Internal Verification External Authentication Results Approval Process for Learner Appeals Requesting Certification

11 External Authentication
The appointment of External Examiners in ETB’s in 2019 will be: Organised by Quality Assurance Personnel at ETB Central Level or Organised at local Centre Level From both the National & Local/Regional panels as National Panel is Establishing Local briefings will be organised by each ETB when engaged to carry out Authentication services to include: (to supplement the National Training on local processes) The employment contract & payment process Garda Vetting The providers External Authentication process *Participation in briefings and training does not guarantee assignment as an EA in any specific certification period

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