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What was the Enlightenment?

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2 What was the Enlightenment?
Defined as “A revolution in logic and science,” Took place in Europe and America, in particular England and France (but all across Europe) Enlightenment in France was marked by atheists and agnostics “Philosophes” like Voltaire and Diderot. But it also had the deist Rousseau and orthodox Christian Charles Monesquieu (the latter being out of favor in France). Enlightenment in England was dominated by Christian thinkers, such as Locke, Adam Smith and Blackstone. Took place in conjunction with “Great Awakening.”

3 Enlightenment in England
Government: Natural Rights: John Locke's Second Treatise on Government (1689) Separation of Powers: Charles Montesquieu's The Spirit of the Laws (1748) – imported from France Law: Common Law: William Blackstone's Commentaries of the Laws of England in 4 volumes ( )

4 Enlightenment in England (cont'd)
Economics: Political Economy: Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations (1776) Science: Mechanics: Sir Issac Newton's Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (1687)

5 Timeline to the Revolution
1760: Writs of Assistance 1763: End of the French and Indian War 1764: Sugar Act (Molasses) 1765: Stamp Act Formation of Sons of Liberty Stamp Act Congress Repeal of Stamp Act Quartering Act (not used widely until 1774) 1766: Declaratory Act – Parliament says they can tax colonies, but doesn't

6 Timeline cont'd 1767: Townshend Acts: Tax on lead, paper, glass, tea
John Dickinson: Letters from a Farmer Committees of Correspondence formed (communication between colonial leaders) Boycotts of British goods 1768: Repeal of Townshend Acts (except tax on tea) British troops arrive in Boston 1770: Boston Massacre

7 Timeline to the American Rev. cont'd
1773 Tea Party - December 1774 – Intolerable Acts Boston Port closed until the tea is paid for Town meetings banned Military Governor Gen. Gage takes more power State legislature is adjourned occasionally Governor's council no longer elected, appointed Judges are salaried by England Soldiers stationed in businesses and homes w/o permission

8 1774: First Continental Congress 1775: April 19: Lexington and Concord
Petition to the King 1775: April 19: Lexington and Concord Bunker Hill June 1775 Second Continental Congress meeting (1775) George Washington appointed C-in-C Olive Branch Petition

9 Names to know Charles Carroll – “First Citizen”
John Carroll – First Catholic Bishop Benjamin Franklin – Informal spokesman George Washington – Commander in Chief Samuel Adams – Organizer of revolution John Adams – Defends British Soldiers in Massacre trial

10 Taunton in the Revolution
Daniel Leonard – State legislator, wealthy foundry owner from Norton, patriot until 1770 Robert Treat Paine – Lawyer from Boston who settled here 1774: October 21 Liberty and Union flag raised on Taunton Green Feb. 22, 1775: Clash of militias

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