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9th Lit Vocabulary Week 5.

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1 9th Lit Vocabulary Week 5

2 Premonition I had a dream last night that I saw a car accident, and when I witnessed one on the way to work, I realized my dream was a premonition.

3 Premonition Definition: n. a feeling about something about to happen.

4 Prodigal We are lucky to live in a country with free education; therefore, we should seize the opportunity and not be prodigal with it; many countries don’t have that luxury.

5 Prodigal Definition: adj. - wasteful

6 Promontory In New Moon, the Twilight sequel, Bella stands on a promontory before jumping into the choppy waters below.

7 Promontory Definition: n. – a high point of land projecting into the sea

8 Quibble While you don’t want to be too disrespectful, it is acceptable to quibble about points on a test when it makes the difference between an A and a B.

9 Quibble Definition: v. – make a minor objection n. – a small objection

10 Rectify When he saw how angry she was that he was over an hour late for their date, he did everything he could think of to rectify the situation: an apology, a nice dinner, and a promise to never be late again.

11 Rectify Definition: v. – to fix, correct

12 Reminiscence Sometimes I love listening to my grandmother’s reminiscences of her youth because that is a time period I can never experience first-hand.

13 Reminiscence Definition: n. – a story of past experiences

14 Repertoire Sarah’s Ipod has everything from Lil’ Wayne to Lady Antebellum on it; I bet she even has death metal in her musical repertoire.

15 Repertoire Definition: n. – supply of songs, stories, skills or devices

16 Reticent While talking too much in class can be rude, being too reticent when the teacher is asking for volunteers can make class boring.

17 Reticent Definition: adj. – quiet, shy, reserved, reluctant to speak

18 Satiate After surfing all day, the only food that would satiate his appetite was a huge cheeseburger.

19 Satiate Definition: v. – to satisfy fully

20 Slothful Obesity in America is at an all-time high, and many experts claim it is because we lead slothful lives rather than active ones.

21 Slothful Definition: adj. - lazy

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