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Work plan and next steps – RDE-LDV working group

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1 Work plan and next steps – RDE-LDV working group
11 September 2012, Brussels, EU Pierre Bonnel Martin Weiss DG - Joint Research Centre (JRC) IET - Institute for Energy and Transport

2 Work plan Work plan - 20 October 2011 Work plan - 31 July 2012
Background and objectives Phases and timing Guidelines for technical activities 3.1 Boundary conditions 3.2 Methodology of generating lab cycles 3.3 Guidelines for emissions testing (lab, PEMS) 3.4 Guidelines for data evaluation 3.5 Data submission and confidentiality Annexes Work plan - 31 July 2012 Background and objectives Project organization Technical elements 3.1 Boundary conditions 3.2 Random cycle 3.3 PEMS 4. Summary of tasks and contributions 5. Timing Annexes

3 Work plan – 1. Background and objectives
To conduct a technical assessment of candidate procedures To develop a RDE-LDV test procedure To disseminate know-how To contribute to legislation drafting

4 Work plan – 1. Background and objectives
To conduct a technical assessment of candidate procedures To develop a RDE-LDV test procedure To disseminate know-how To contribute to legislation drafting

5 Reporting: RDE-LDV phase I
Finished draft report Internal revisions/registration Final report available from Oct/Nov 2012

6 Work plan – 1. Background and objectives
Objectives of Phase II: To develop two procedures in parallel ACEA leads the development of the random cycle generator JRC leads the development of PEMS

7 Work plan – 2. Project organization
Project organization – 2.4 Project deliverables A technical report describing the development of both procedures Consolidated test protocols for random cycle and PEMS testing

8 Work plan – 3. Technical elements
Boundary conditions Random laboratory cycle PEMS

9 Work plan – 3. Technical elements

10 Work plan – Boundary conditions
Task Leader Contributions Task 1.1: Provision of building elements JRC ALL Task 1.2: Development of ranges-values Dedicated word document

11 Work plan – Boundary conditions
ACEA request: Excel file with stakeholder suggestions on boundary conditions (April 2012) Working document: RDE-LDV boundary conditions – Draft 1 (July 2012) List of parameters and data sources Uploaded to Circa on 31 July 2012 1. Completeness of parameters 2. Decision on parameter values

12 Work plan – Boundary conditions
Completeness of parameters and list of reference information Limited feedback Agreement on layout and parameter selection

13 Work plan – Boundary conditions
2. Decision on parameter values Earlier feedback (May and June 2012) Additional recent feedback Feedback should be substantiated by research and rationale Principle approach for selecting values and value ranges

14 Work plan – Boundary conditions
Possible ways forward Ambient conditions: Regulation 582/2011 as basis Random cycle development: WLTP short trips Challenging parameters, e.g., road grade No regulation Selection based on expert judgment within RDE-LDV Selection based on the analysis of a sample of GIS data Comprehensive analysis of European road grad distribution

15 Work plan – Random cycle
Random cycle generator Task Leader Contributions Task 2.1: Specifications for the random cycle generator ACEA ALL Task 2.2: Software modifications - Task 2.3: Small scale trials Testing: TBD Consolidation and analysis of results: TBD Task 2.4: Software modifications Task 2.5: Pilot phase TBD Update from ACEA

16 Work plan – Random cycle
3.2. Random cycle generator Text document could explain the design and the applied algorithms

17 Work plan - PEMS PEMS Update from JRC Task Leader Contributions
Task Leader Contributions Task 3.1: Vehicle selection and provision JRC ACEA, Member States Task 3.2 Vehicle testing (PEMS) TBD Task 3.3: Definition of data evaluation strategies ALL Task 3.4 Data consolidation Update from JRC

18 Work plan – Time schedule
2012 2013 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun PEMS on-road testing Selecting and providing vehicles Testing vehicles with PEMS Vehicle 1 – JRC Vehicle 1 – Site 1 Vehicle 2 – JRC Vehicle 2 – Site 1 Vehicle 3 – JRC Vehicle 3 – Site 2 Vehicle 4 – JRC Vehicle 4 – Site 2 Defining methods for data evaluation Data consolidation

19 Work plan - PEMS Who is willing to contribute to PEMS testing?
... to provide test vehicles? ... to provide test sites? ... when?

20 DG - Joint Research Centre (JRC)
IES - Institute for Energy and Transport Pierre Bonnel: Martin Weiss:

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