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©LightCastle Partners 2013 Business Analytics matters – leverage to gain competitive edge! Pg 1.

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Presentation on theme: "©LightCastle Partners 2013 Business Analytics matters – leverage to gain competitive edge! Pg 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 ©LightCastle Partners 2013 Business Analytics matters – leverage to gain competitive edge! Pg 1

2 ©LightCastle Partners 2013 1980 Personal Computer Mass Adoption Going by the Trend Pg 2 Electricity 2 nd Industrial Revolution 1900 Rise of the Techs Information Bubble 2003 Big Data Era? 2013

3 ©LightCastle Partners 2013 "Big Data"creating Competitive Advantages for "Big Returns" Vast amount of data available in every economy, sector and organizations – 90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years – "Big Data" is growing exponentially Source: McKinsey Global Institute Analysis 2012 and IBM Correctly leveraged data becomes a powerful Strategic Asset to drive business results – Up to 60% operating margin for consumer traction industry (Mckinsey) – Market leaders spend 3+ times on data initiatives relative to laggards (TCS) Pg 3

4 ©LightCastle Partners 2013 Biggest challenge for "Big Data" is the absence of "Data Scientists" Bangladesh with its significant consumer traction industries and competitive outsourcing is in a key strategic position to take advantage of the "Big Data" wave Source: TCS Big Data Global Trend Study 2013 Market needs Data Scientists who are experts in quantitative skills and highly effective at communicating findings U.S.A. alone faces shortage of 140-190K of Data Scientists and 1.5 million analysts Source: McKinsey Global Institute Analysis 2012 Pg 4

5 ©LightCastle Partners 2013 Who Are We? An emerging market specialized firm that fosters entrepreneurial pursuits through business planning and intelligence services – We partner with business entities to develop "Data with Depth" models for optimized decision making BIG DATA BIG RETURNS Business Analytics Pg 5

6 ©LightCastle Partners 2013 What can We do for You? The "Big Data" Pie – We combine market information with business analysis to create Strategic Intelligence External Information (Market) Strategic Intelligence Internal Data (Business) Internal data available through business channels (e.g., product/ customer wise sales/ department wise expense) Includes market information, competition analysis, economic and sector parameters, consumer insights Framework to leverage internal and external data to create intelligence for driving business Pg 6

7 ©LightCastle Partners 2013 The Power of Data for You Convert your internal data into asset with business analytics We develop modeling platforms that allow businesses to easily analyze their current performance as well as to forecast a diversified set of future scenarios Incorporate market knowledge into your business model We identify critical market parameters and generate strategies to incorporate them as key driving components for businesses Systemize your uncertainties and risk management We assess different risks and develop architecture to optimize business returns (sensitivity analyses and stress testing) Pg 7

8 ©LightCastle Partners 2013 Advance Your Human Capital through Our Advanced Learning Center You need the best in class human capital to break into the next level A Differentiated Approach Structured Thinking Communication Artificial Markets Simulation Case Break Pg 8

9 ©LightCastle Partners 2013 Call Mail Meet Pg 9

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