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Effects of sodium chloride on algal growth

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1 Effects of sodium chloride on algal growth
PJAS Effects of sodium chloride on algal growth Nate Kazienko Pittsburgh Central Catholic Grade 9 When another Central student is presenting: Write a critique on their PowerPoint WRITE DOWN WHAT THE JUDGES ASK AND THE PERSONS EXACT RESPONSE

2 Surface Runoff Part of the water cycle Impacts aquatic life
Commonly pollutes lakes, streams, and rivers Pollutants include: fertilizers, salt, oil, and sediment

3 Introduction Variable: Sodium Chloride Euglena and Chlamydomonas
Inorganic compound Commonly referred to as salt Major surface runoff pollutant Over 20 million tons of salt is used on roads in the US every year Euglena and Chlamydomonas Two common species of algae

4 Effects of Sodium Chloride on Aquatic Life
Enters bodies of water through runoff Causes an eutrophication effect Prevents dissolved oxygen from reaching the bottom layers Causes oxygen depletion in bottom layers Results in fish mortality Mention how SC messes with tonicity of algae Also mention how an OD of salt can kill everything

5 Algal Models Euglena gracilis Chlamydomonas reinhardtii One flagellum
Found in freshwater and saltwater 40-60um long Multiple chloroplasts Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Two flagella Found in freshwater and saltwater Normally around 10um wide Large chloroplast

6 Purpose To determine the effects of various sodium chloride concentrations on the growth of Euglena and Chlamydomonas

7 Hypotheses Null: Sodium chloride will not have a significant effect on the growth of Euglena and Chlamydomonas Alternative: Sodium chloride will have a significant effect on the growth of Euglena and Chlamydomonas Only state alternative Null was used for stats

8 Materials Culture tube rack 25 culture tubes (13x100 mm borosilicate)
200μl micro-pipette 1000μl micro-pipette Carolina Spectrophotometer Euglena gracilis (from Carolina) Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (from Carolina) Spring water Soil water (from Carolina) Sodium chloride Pipette tips Only mention highlighted materials Wait 5 seconds after speaking before next slide

9 Procedure Arranged 24 test tubes in the rack to receive equal amounts of sunlight Pipetted 2ml of Chlamydomonas into 12 test tubes and 1ml of Euglena into the remaining 12 test tubes (Euglena is more populous) Created sodium chloride concentrations according to the chart on the next slide Recorded absorbance on days 0,2,4,6,8,10,12, and 14 using the spectrophotometer set at a 430nm wavelength Say they were recorded every other day for 2 weeks Say you mixed the concentrations

10 Procedure (Continued)
Concentration 0% 0.1% 1% Chlamydomonas 2mL Soil Water 1mL Spring Water 1.95mL 1.5mL Sodium Chloride 0mL 0.05mL 0.5mL Total 5mL

11 Procedure (Continued)
Concentration 0% 0.1% 1% Euglena 1mL Soil Water Spring Water 3mL 2.95mL 2.5mL Sodium Chloride 0mL 0.05mL 0.5mL Total 5mL Don't mention this chart

12 Day 14 P-Value: 0.999 Day 6 P-Value: 0.866
Data is all the judges care about

13 Day 14 P-Value: 0.114 Day 6 P-Value: 0.016

14 Results The null hypothesis that the Euglena would not vary from the control cannot be rejected (P-Value>0.05) for all day 6 and day 14 concentrations. The null hypothesis that the Chlamydomonas would not vary from the control cannot be rejected (P-Value>0.05) for all day 6 and day 14 concentrations.

15 Conclusion The null hypothesis is accepted because neither the Euglena or Chlamydomonas significantly varied from the control.

16 Limitations Only two models of algae used Short experiment time
More readings Health of the species? No cell counts preformed Optimal conditions for experiment?

17 Extensions Preform a viable cell count Longer test duration
Preform experiment in optimal environment

18 Sources reduction-initiative/impacts.htm measurements/parameters/water-quality/dissolved-oxygen/#1

19 Euglena ANOVA Day 6

20 Euglena ANOVA Day 14

21 Chlamydomonas ANOVA Day 6

22 Chlamydomonas ANOVA Day 14

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