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STIs: The Silent Epidemic

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1 STIs: The Silent Epidemic
What Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases? STIs: The Silent Epidemic Many STDs are asymptomatic, which means you can have the disease without any symptoms. When there are no symptoms, a person may spread the disease without knowing it. Sexually active people should undergo regular testing for STDs. Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0"

2 How Are STIs Spread? Ways that STDs are spread include:
Common STDs How Are STIs Spread? Ways that STDs are spread include: any sexual activity that brings a person in contact with body fluids from an infected person any sexual activity in which one person’s genitals contacts another person’s skin or mucous membranes direct contact with open sores a mother to her baby before or during birth, or during breast-feeding Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0"

3 STIs Can Cause Permanent Damage
Common STDs STIs Can Cause Permanent Damage Some STDs, such as herpes, cannot be cured. Some STDs can cause miscarriages or infant blindness. Being informed about STDs can help you avoid them. If you think you might have been exposed to an STD, see a doctor as soon as possible Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0"

4 Adolescents ages 15-24 account for nearly half of the 20 million new cases of STD's each year.
Today, four in 10 sexually active teen girls have had an STD that can cause infertility and even death. Also, though rates of HIV are very low among adolescents, males make up more than 80 percent of HIV diagnoses among 13- to 19-year-olds.

5 Each year, one in four teens contracts an STD/STI.
One in two sexually active persons will contract an STD/STI by age 25.6 About half of all new STDs/STIs in occurr among youth ages 15 to 24.7 It is estimated that as many as one in five Americans have genital herpes, a lifelong (but manageable) infection, yet up to 90 percent of those with herpes are unaware they have it.12

6 STDs often have no obvious sign or physical symptom, so regular screenings are critical.
The most effective way to prevent STDs is to abstain from sexual activity; if teens are having sex, they should be using a condom correctly and with every sexual act. Gonorrhea rates were highest among adolescents and young adults. The highest rates were observed among women aged 20–24 years (578.5) and 15–19 years (521.2).

7 At least 15 percent of all American women who are infertile can attribute it to tubal damage caused by pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), the result of an untreated STD. Texas is ranked 10th among 50 states in chlamydial infections (498.3 per 100,000 persons) and ranked 12th among 50 states in gonorrheal infections (129.8 per 100,000 persons).

8 Common STDs Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold
Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0" Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.

9 Common STDs Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold
Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0"

10 Common STDs Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold
Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0"

11 Common STDs Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold
Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0"

12 Common STDs Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold
Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0"

13 Common STDs Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold
Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0"

14 Common STDs Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold
Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0"

15 Common STDs Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold
Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0"

16 Common STDs Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold
Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0"

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