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Mix and match! 1. Birth Rate 2. Death Rate 3. Migration

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Presentation on theme: "Mix and match! 1. Birth Rate 2. Death Rate 3. Migration"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mix and match! 1. Birth Rate 2. Death Rate 3. Migration
When people move from one place to another for more than one year. 1. Birth Rate 2. Death Rate 3. Migration 4. Natural Increase This is the difference between the birth and death rates. number of people who die every year per 1,000 of the population. number of live births every year per 1,000 of the population.

2 Does the population of a country say anything about how developed a country is?

3 Country by birth rate list of country by birth rate

4 Country by death rate list




8 Map from memory Get into groups of 4 or 5 Number yourselves 1-4 (or 5)
You will have to make an accurate copy of the ‘map’ that is outside. The best copy will get a prize! NO CHEATING!

9 The Demographic Transition Model


11 Demographic Transition Model
Turn to p138 in Evolving Planet What happens in the different stages? Complete in your booklet as we explore the stages

12 Use’s and limitations of model

13 Practice Question The graph below is for India.
i) What stage of the DTM was India in in ? (1) ii) Suggest reasons why the death rate has dropped? (3)

14 You say we pay Death rate Stage one Population Growth Increase

15 You say we pay Birth rate Stage five Decrease UK Development

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