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k|:t'tstf{ s[i0f axfb'/ /fpt

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Presentation on theme: "k|:t'tstf{ s[i0f axfb'/ /fpt"— Presentation transcript:

1 k|:t'tstf{ s[i0f axfb'/ /fpt
/fli6«o ;'/Iff Joj:yfkg k|:t'tstf{ s[i0f axfb'/ /fpt 4/9/2019

2 “Freedom from want and freedom from fear”
cy{ / kl/efiff “Freedom from want and freedom from fear” "The distinctive meaning of national security means freedom from foreign dictation.“ – Harold Lasswell zflAbs cy{df ;'/Iff eGgfn] lagf /]vb]v afFRg / /xg ;Sg] cj:yfnfO{ a'emfFpFb5 . ;+o'Qm /fi6« ;+3n] ;'/IffnfO{ o;/L kl/eflift u/]sf] 5 M “bL3{sfnLg zflGtsf nflu ul/aL / lx+;faf6 kLl8t gful/ssf] p4f/ ug'{ g} ;'/Iff xf] .” /fli6«o ;'/Iff eGgfn] ;du| /fHo Joj:yfkg k|0ffnLdf clx+;f / eod'Qmtfsf] cj:yf tyf /fHosf] ;Ldf ;'/Iff / /fli6«o ;Dk|e"tfsf] /Iff ePsf] cj:yf xf] . 4/9/2019

3 cy{ / kl/efiff "National security then is the ability to preserve the nation's physical integrity and territory; to maintain its economic relations with the rest of the world on reasonable terms; to preserve its nature, institution, and governance from disruption from outside; and to control its borders.“ - Harold Brown, U.S. Secretary of Defense ( ). Accordingly, in order to possess national security, a nation needs to possess economic security, energy security, environmental security, etc. Security threats involve not only conventional foes such as other nation-states but also non-state actors such as violent non-state actors, narcotic cartels, multinational corporations and non-governmental organisations; some authorities include natural disasters and events causing severe environmental damage in this category. 4/9/2019

4 dfGotf tyf juL{s/0f /fli6«o ;'/Iffsf dfGotfx? k/Dk/fut dfGotf
– /fHo ;}Go zlQm k|a4{g ug'{ / d'n'snfO{ afXo ;}Go x:tIf]kaf6 d'Qm /fVg'df dfq ;Lldt /x]sf] . cfw'lgs dfGotf – o;sf] ljhf/f]k0f j]:6kmflnofsf] zflGt ;Demf}tfaf6 ePsf] xf] eg] k"0f{ ?kdf ljsf; eg] bf];|f] ljZjo'4 kZrft\ ePsf] xf] . /fli6«o ;'/Iff Joj:yfkgsf] juL{s/0f M != cfGtl/s ;'/Iff Joj:yfkg @= afXo ;'/Iff Joj:yfkg 4/9/2019

5 ;fdflhs Gofosf] b[li6sf]0f
/fli6«o ;'/Iffsf tTjx? Elements of National Security : 1. Military Security (Traditional) 2. Political Security 3. Economic Security 4. Environmental Security 5. Security of Energy and Natural Resources 6. Cyber Security (President Obama issued a declaration that the "cyber threat is one of the most serious economic and national security challenges we face as a nation" and that "America's economic prosperity in the 21st century will depend on cyber security.“) 7. Empowerment of Women 4/9/2019

6 /fli6«o ;'/Iffsf r'gf}tLx?
;z:q 4G4, e"ldut ;d"xx?sf] pkl:ylt tyf cft+safb /fhgLlts cl:y/tf tyf zlQm ;+3if{ v'nf l;dfgf, l;df ljjfb tyf ca}w xltof/sf] cf];f/k;f/ ;+ul7t ck/fw tyf ;fOa/ ck/fw z/0ffyL{ tyf ;'k'b{uL Joj:yfkg cfly{s ck/fw -hfnL gf]6sf] sf/f]af/, ;DklQ z'l4s/0f, ckx/0f / lkm/f}tL, sf6]{ln+u, e|i6frf/ tyf sfnfahf/L, t:s/L, /fh:j 5nL, 7]Ssfk6\6f nufotdf u'08fubL{_ cf0flas xf]8afhL tyf 3fts xltof/x?sf] k|of]udf Jofkstf 4/9/2019

7 /fli6«o ;'/Iffsf ljBdfg k|fjwfgx?
gLltut Joj:yfx? != ;+o'Qm /fi6« ;+3sf] a8fkq, k~rzLnsf] l;4fGt / ljZj zflGtsf] cjwf/0ffnfO{ cfTd;ft ug]{, @= s'g}klg /fi6«sf] cfGtl/s dfdnfdf x:tIf]k gug]{ tyf s'g}klg /fi6«dfly ePsf] cg'lrt cfqmd0fsf] lgGbf ug]{, #= cGt/f{li6o zflGt :yfkgfdf ;xof]u ug]{ tyf ljZj ;'/Iff r'gf}tLsf ?kdf /x]sf cft+safb, cft+ssf/L ultljlwsf] nufgL, ;+ul7t ck/fw / t:s/L lgoGq0f nufotsf ljifodf cGt/f{li6«o, If]qLo / l4kIfLo ;xsfo{ ug]{, $= b]zdf zflGt ;'/Iff / cdgrog sfod /fVg], %= l5d]sL ldq/fi6x?sf] ;'/Iff rf;f]sf ljifox? cfk;L 5nkmn / ;dembf/Lsf cfwf/df ;+af]wg ug]{ . 4/9/2019

8 /fli6«o ;'/Iffsf ljBdfg k|fjwfgx?
sfg"gL k|fjwfgx? != g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfgdf ;'/Iff;DaGwL gLlt /x]sf], /fli6«o ;'/Iff kl/ifbsf] Joj:yf nufot ;'/Iff lgsfosf] ;anLs/0f ug]{ k|fjwfg /x]sf], @= :yfgLo k|zf;g P]g, ;fj{hlgs ;'/Iff s]xL ;fdflhs ck/fw tyf ;hfo P]g, xftxltof/ tyf v/vhgf #= g]kfn k|x/L P]g, ;z:q k|x/L ;}lgs tyf lgodfjnLx?, $= dfgj a]rljvg lgoGq0f P]g, nfu" kbfy{ lj?4sf] P]g, ;DklQ z'l4s/0f lgjf/0f P]g, ;+ul7t ck/fw lgoGq0f P]g, tyf cGo If]qut P]g lgodfjnLx? . %= ;'/Iff;Fu ;DalGwt g]kfn kIf ePsf cGt/f{li6«o, If]qLo tyf l4kIfLo ;lGw ;+emf}tfx? 4/9/2019

9 /fli6«o ;'/Iffsf ljBdfg k|fjwfgx?
;+:yfut k|fjwfgx? != /fi6«kltsf] sfof{no, k|wfgdGqL tyf dlGqkl/ifbsf] sfof{no, /fli6«o ;'/Iff kl/ifb tyf o;sf] ;lrjfno, @= /Iff dGqfno, u[x dGqfno #= g]kfnL ;]gf, g]kfn k|x/L, ;z:q k|x/L an tyf /fli6«o cg';Gwfg ljefu $= s]lGb|o ;'/Iff ;ldlt %= If]qLo ;'/Iff ;ldlt ^= lhNnf ;'/Iff ;ldlt &= ljleGg ;'/Iff lgsfosf txut OsfOx? 4/9/2019

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