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Kenston Middle School 28 August 2018

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1 Kenston Middle School 28 August 2018
OPEN HOUSE Kenston Middle School 28 August 2018

2 Graduated from Kenston Masters Degree of Education
Welcome Parents! American History Mrs. Erin Ballantyne 18th Year Teaching Graduated from Kenston College: John Carroll Masters Degree of Education

3 A little about me!! I grew up in Auburn I live currently in Bainbridge
I am married to Scott I have one awesome kid named Ethan who is in 6th grade I love sports, nature, animals, people, the beach and watching the Cavs!

4 My husband Scott and me

5 My Son Ethan

6 The Ballantynes

7 Paisley our Red Fox Purebred Lab!

8 Sparky our rescue dog!

9 Did I mention I like the Cavs ??

10 My Cat Named Birdie

11 More….. 

12 Topics covered this year:
Explorers of America The English Colonies The American Revolution The Constitution of the U.S. Establishing and Expanding the New Nation Industrial and Agricultural Growth The Civil War and Reconstruction

13 #1 Objective for the year
To be the best Citizen they can be To learn skills that will help them have success with life!!!! What are those skills?????

14 How to work in a group This is not always easy
You can’t always work alone- even as adults we get placed in groups and there are people who make the group situation very difficult- we must still remain professional and respectful

15 To advocate for themselves
When your child goes to college they will be on their own- mom or dad is not going to call the professor about a problem (at least I hope not ). Students need to learn to communicate with all kinds of people and situations! This is hard for them to do! Let them do it and practice!

16 How to disagree without being RUDE
Many times in life your child will be in a situation where they have a major difference of opinion or view about something (can we say politics)- Being able to express their opinion without being rude is so important “Its not what you say, but how you say it”

17 Responsibility Although turning in a homework assignment late is not the end of the world- practicing meeting deadlines and expectations are a must One day not meeting a deadline at work could result in your child losing their job- THAT’S THE REAL WORLD

18 Respect Life is much happier and better when WE respect each other!! It’s a must!

19 FYI’S: The option to correct a test/quiz is up to the teachers’ discretion based on class performance  It is required that all Ohio 8th graders will be taught a unit on personal finance/economics. Topics to be covered include: personal finance, banking basics, budgeting, role of taxes etc. Student should bring school provided Chrome Book EVERYDAY

20 Questions? Email: Phone: 440-543-8241
My website has lots of information!

21 Look on the bulletin boards to find your child's Historian Selfie!!
Don’t forget Look on the bulletin boards to find your child's Historian Selfie!!

22 Looking forward to a great year!!
Thank You For Coming

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