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Warm-Up (5 min) Read the memo and answer the questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up (5 min) Read the memo and answer the questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up (5 min) Read the memo and answer the questions

2 Speed Skills Challenge
Class Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri 2nd Period N/A 72% Beast! 66% 86% 5th Period 56% Nooo! 65% 77% 6th Period 62% Hmm 75% 7th Period 42% Haha 60% Time: 3:30 minutes Magic Number: 17

3 Announcements (2 min)

4 Our Mission (1 min) What is our mission?

5 Today’s objective Team Haughton’s 2020 Diamonds will:
Analyze colonial policies imposed by King George III and the British Parliament

6 British Laws and Policies pg. 67
Unit 2: The Road to the American Revolution British Laws and Policies pg. 67

7 Navigation acts: Late 1600s
British trade rules Creates Mercantilism


9 After the French & Indian WaR:
England goes broke End salutary neglect King George III and Parliament pass new laws Colonists now have to help pay off the debt

10 #1: Proclamation Act of 1763 Colonists are not allowed to move west of the Appalachian Mountains

11 #2: Quartering act 1764 Colonists are forced to feed and house British soldiers in the 13 Colonies

12 #3: Sugar Act 1764 British tax on sugar, coffee, wine, and indigo

13 #4: Stamp act 1765 British tax on paper products

14 #5: Townshend Acts 1767 British tax on imported goods (goods purchased another country)

15 #6: Writs of Assistance 1767 British soldiers are allowed to search buildings and ships for illegal goods

16 Table Discussions When did Great Britain develop these policies?
Why did Great Britain develop these new policies? How will colonists react? Which policies restricted the colonists the most? Why? Are these policies fair? Why or why not?

17 Back to Warm-Up Write down which one of Mr. Haughton’s rules corresponds with the British rules

18 Cool-Down: Who in England created these policies?
What was the goal of these new policies? Describe the Navigation Acts Describe the Proclamation Act Describe the Quartering Act Describe the Sugar Act Describe the Stamp Act Describe the Townshend Acts What would anger the colonists about Writs of Assistance? Which policy restricted the colonists the most? Why?

19 Independent Practice:
RAFT Option 1 Option 2 Role Royal Advisor (gives advice to the king) American Colonist Audience King George III American Colonists Format Professional (make up funny but sensible addresses) (Give the king ideas for raising money) Speech (Be angry about the policies!) Topic British Polices Post 1763 (Talk about what they are, why they are being put into effect, and how you feel about them; also discuss what problems they might cause later)

20 Lifework British Policies chart

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