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Review of Plasma Focus Numerical Experiments
S H Saw1,2, S Lee1,2,3 1Nilai University, Nilai, Malaysia 2Institute for Plasma Focus Studies, Melbourne, Australia 3University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Plasma Focus Numerical Experiments- Outline of Lecture
Development, usage and results Basis and philosophy Reference for Diagnostics Insights and frontiers Continuing development- Ion beam modelling, radiative collapse and HED, throughput scaling to breakeven
UNU ICTP PFF- 3 kJ Plasma Focus Designed for
UNU ICTP PFF- 3 kJ Plasma Focus Designed for International Collaboration within AAAPT Background
Design of the UNU/ICTP PFF- 3kJ Plasma Focus System Background
UNU/ICTP PFF- placed at ICTP, 1988 Background
Network: Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Pakistan, India, Egypt, Similar machines with designs based on or upgraded: Zimbabwe, Syria, USA, Bulgaria, Iran
The Code Intro code It was realized that the laboratory work should be complemented by computer simulation. A 2-phase model was developed in 1983 We continually developed the code to its 5-phase form It now includes thermodynamics data so the code can be operated in H2, D2, D-T, N2, O2, He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe. We have used it to simulate a wide range of plasma focus devices from the sub-kJ PF400 (Chile) , the small 3kJ UNU/ICTP PFF (Network countries), the NX2 3kJ Hi Rep focus (Singapore), medium size tens of kJ DPF78 & Poseidon (Germany) to PF1000, the largest in the world. An Iranian Group has modified the model, calling it the Lee model, to simulate Filippov type plasma focus .
Review of Lee Code Plasma Focus Numerical Experiments Intro code
The code10 couples the electrical circuit with PF dynamics, thermodynamics and radiation. Using standard circuit equations and equations of motion adapted for the axial and radial phases, the code is consistent in (a) energy, (b) charge and (c) mass.
Development of the code Intro code
It was described in and used in the design and interpretation of experiments12-15. This evolved into a 5-phase code incorporating finite small disturbance speed16, radiation and radiation-coupled dynamics17-19, It was web-published20 in 2000 and Plasma self- absorption was included20 in 2007
Axial Phase- snow plough type
Axial Phase: Snow- plow type equation of motion coupled to circuit equation
Inward radial shock phase - 4 coupled equations namely: inward radial shock, elongation, inward radial piston and circuit, respectively as follows:
Reflected Shock RS phase
Reflected shock radial phase- RS moving out, piston moving in and column elongation coupled to circuit equation- total of 4 coupled equations
Pinch Phase – Key equation: radiation- coupled dynamics
Piston dynamics depends on dI/dt, dzf/dt and dQ/dt. dI/dt is computed with coupled circuit equation; dQ/dt is calculated with the various components being the bremsstrahlung, recombination and line radiation and Joule heating.
Usage Intro code It has been used extensively as a complementary facility in several machines, for example: UNU/ICTP PFF12,14,15,17-19, NX219,22, NX119, DENA23, AECS It has also been used in other machines for design and interpretation including Chile’s sub-kJ PF and other machines24, Mexico’s FNII25 and the Argentinian UBA hard x-ray source26. More recently KSU PF (US), NX3 (Singapore), FoFu I (US) and several Iranian machines APF, Tehran U, AZAD U
Information derived Intro code
Information computed includes axial and radial dynamics11,17-23, pinch properties SXR emission characteristics and yield17-19, 22, 27-33, design of machines10,12,24,26, optimization of machines10,22, 24,30 and adaptation to Filippov-type DENA23. Speed-enhanced PF17 was facilitated.
Information Derived Intro code
Scaling Properties; Constancy of energy density (per unit mass) across range of machines14 Hence same temperature and density14 Constancy of drive current density I/a relating to the speed factor14 (I/a)/r0.5 Scaling of pinch dimensions & lifetime14 with anode radius ‘a’: pinch radius ratio rp/a =constant pinch length ratio zp/a=constant pinch duration ratio tp/a=constant
Comparing large and small PF’s- Dimensions and lifetimes- putting shadowgraphs side-by-side, same scale Anode radius 1 cm cm Pinch Radius: 1mm mm Pinch length: 8mm mm Lifetime ~10ns order of ~100 ns
Recent development and Insights Intro code
PF neutron yield calculations34 Current & neutron yield limitations35 with reducing L0 Wide-ranging neutron scaling laws Wide-ranging soft x-ray scaling laws in various gases Neutron saturation36,37- cause and Global Scaling Law Radiative collapse 38 Current-stepped PF39 Extraction of diagnostic data33,40-42 Anomalous resistance data43,44 from current signals Benchmarks for Ion Beams- scaling with E0.
Philosophy of our Modelling Philosophy
Experimental based Utility prioritised To cover the whole process- from lift-off, to axial, to all the radial sub-phases; and recently to post-focussed phase which is important for advanced materials deposition and damage simulation.
Priority of Basis Philosophy
Correct choice of Circuit equations coupled to equations of motion ensures: Energy consistent for the total process and each part of the process Charge consistent Mass consistent Fitting computed current waveform to measured current waveform ensures: Connected to the reality of experiments
Priority of Results Philosophy
Applicable to all PF machines, existing and hypothetical Current Waveform accuracy Dynamics in agreement with experiments Consistency of Energy distribution Realistic Yields of neutrons, SXR, other radiations; Ions and Plasma Stream (latest-Benchmarks); in conformity with experiments Widest Scaling of the yields Insightful definition of scaling properties Design of new devices; e.g. Hi V & Current-Step Design new experiments-Radiative cooling & collapse
Philosophy, modelling, results &
Philosophy, modelling, results & applications of the Lee Model code Philosophy
Numerical Experiments Philosophy
Range of activities using the code is so wide Not theoretical Not simulation The correct description is: Numerical Experiments
UPFLF-The Code Control Panel- configured for PF1000 Demo
L0 nH C0 mF b cm a cm z0 r0 mW fm fc fmr fcr V0 P0 M.W. A At/Molecular
PF1000, ICDMP Poland, the biggest plasma focus in the world
PF1000, ICDMP Poland, the biggest plasma focus in the world Firing the PF Demo
Fitting: 1. L0 fitted from current rise profile 2
Fitting: 1. L0 fitted from current rise profile 2. Adjust model parameters (mass and current factors fm, fc, fmr, fcr) until computed current waveform matches measured current waveform (sequential processes shown below) Demo
PF1000 fitted results Demo
PF1000: Yn Focus & Pinch Properties as functions of Pressure Demo
Plasma Focus- Numerical Experiments leading Technology Insights
Numerical Experiments- For any problem, plan matrix, perform experiments, get results- sometimes surprising, leading to new insights In this way, the Numerical Experiments have pointed the way for technology to follow
NE showing the way for experiments and technology Insights
PF1000 (largest PF in world): 1997 was planning to reduce static inductance so as to increase current and neutron yield Yn. They published their L0 as 20 nH Using their published current waveform and parameters we showed a. their L0 =33 nH b. their L0 was already at optimum c. that lowering their L0 would be a waste of effort and resources
As L0 was reduced from 100 to 35 nH - As expected
Results from Numerical Experiments with PF For decreasing L0- from 100 nH to 5 nH Insights 1 As L0 was reduced from 100 to 35 nH - As expected Ipeak increased from 1.66 to 3.5 MA Ipinch also increased, from 0.96 to 1.05 MA Further reduction from 35 to 5 nH Ipeak continue to increase from 3.5 to 4.4 MA Ipinch decreasing slightly to - Unexpected 1.03 MA at 20 nH, 1.0 MA at10 nH, and 0.97 MA at 5 nH. Yn also had a maximum value of 3.2x1011 at 35 nH.
Pinch Current Limitation Effect - Insights 1
L0 decreases higher Ipeak bigger a longer zp bigger Lp L0 decreases shorter rise time shorter zo smaller La L0 decreases, Ipinch/Ipeak decreases
Pinch Current Limitation Effect Insights 1
L0 decreases, L-C interaction time of capacitor decreases L0 decreases, duration of current drop increases due to bigger a Capacitor bank is more and more coupled to the inductive energy transfer Effect is more pronounced at lower L0
Pinch Current Limitation Effect Insights 1
A combination of two complex effects Interplay of various inductances Increasing coupling of C0 to the inductive energetic processes as L0 is reduced Leads to this Limitation Effect Two basic circuit rules: lead to such complex interplay of factors which was not foreseen; revealed only by extensive numerical experiments
Neutron yield scaling laws and neutron saturation problem Insights 2
One of most exciting properties of plasma focus is Early experiments show: Yn~E02 Prospect was raised in those early research years that, breakeven could be attained at several tens of MJ . However quickly shown that as E0 approaches 1 MJ, a neutron saturation effect was observed; Yn does not increase as much as expected, as E0 was progressively raised towards 1 MJ. Question: Is there a fundamental reason for Yn
Global Scaling Law Insights 2 Scaling deterioration observed in numerical experiments (small black crosses) compared to measurements on various machines (larger coloured crosses) Neutron ‘saturation’ is more aptly portrayed as a scaling deterioration-Conclusion of IPFS-INTI UC research S Lee & S H Saw, J Fusion Energy, (2008) S Lee, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 50 (2008) S H Saw & S Lee.. Nuclear & Renewable Energy Sources Ankara, Turkey, 28 & 29 Sepr 2009. S Lee Appl Phys Lett 95, (2009) Cause: Due to constant dynamic resistance relative to decreasing generator impedance
Scaling for large Plasma Focus Scaling 1
Targets: IFMIF (International fusion materials irradiation facility)-level fusion wall materials testing (a major test facility for the international programme to build a fusion reactor)- essentially an ion accelerator
IPFS numerical Experiments:
Fusion Wall materials testing at the mid-level of IFMIF: 1015 D-T neutrons per shot, 1 Hz, 1 year for dpa- Gribkov Scaling 1 IPFS numerical Experiments:
Operating Parameters: 35kV, 14 Torr D-T E0=8.2 MJ
Possible PF configuration: Fast capacitor bank 10x PF1000-Fully modelled- 1.5x1015 D-T neutrons per shot Scaling 1 Operating Parameters: 35kV, 14 Torr D-T Bank Parameters: L0=33.5nH, C0=13320uF, r0=0.19mW E0=8.2 MJ Tube Parameters: b=35.1 cm, a=25.3 cm z0=220cm Ipeak=7.3 MA, Ipinch=3.0 MA Model parameters 0.13, 0.65, 0.35, 0.65
Ongoing IPFS numerical experiments of Multi-MJ Plasma Focus Scaling 1
50 kV modelled- 1.2x1015 D-T neutrons per shot Scaling 1
Operating Parameters: 50kV, 40 Torr D-T Bank Parameters: L0=33.5nH, C0=2000uF, r0=0.45mW E0=2.5 MJ Tube Parameters: b=20.9 cm, a=15 cm z0=70cm Ipeak=6.7 MA, Ipinch=2.8 MA Model parameters 0.14, 0.7, 0.35, 0.7 Improved performance going from 35 kV to 50 kV
IFMIF-scale device Scaling 1
Numerical Experiments suggests the possibility of scaling the PF up to IFMIF mid-scale with a PF1000-like device at 50kV and 2.5 MJ at pinch current of 2.8MA Such a system would cost only a few % of the planned IFMIF
Scaling further- possibilities Scaling 2
1. Increase E0, however note: scaling deteriorated already below Yn~E0 2. Increase voltage, at 50 kV beam energy ~150kV already past fusion x-section peak; further increase in voltage, x-section decreases, so gain is marginal Need technological advancement to increase current per unit E0 and per unit V0. We next extrapolate from point of view of Ipinch
Scaling from Ipinch using present predominantly beam-target : Yn=1
Scaling from Ipinch using present predominantly beam-target : Yn=1.8x1010Ipeak3.8; Yn=3.2x1011Ipinch4.4 (I in MA) Scaling 2
SXR Scaling Laws Scaling 3
First systematic studies in the world done in neon as a collaborative effort of IPFS, INTI IU CPR and NIE Plasma Radiation Lab: Ysxr = 8300× Ipinch3.6 Ysxr = 600 × Ipeak in J (I in MA). Scaling laws extended to Argon, N and O by M Akel AEC, Syria in collaboration.
Special characteristics of SXR-for applications Scaling 3
Not penetrating; for example neon SXR only penetrates microns of most surfaces Energy carried by the radiation is delivered at surface Suitable for lithography and micro-machining At low intensity - applications for surface sterilisation or treatment of food at high levels of energy intensity, Surface hammering effect;, production of ultra-strong shock waves to punch through backing material; or as high intensity compression drivers in fusion scenarios
Compression- and Yield- Enhancement methods Scaling 4
Suitable design optimize compression Role of high voltage Role of special circuits e.g current-steps Role of radiative cooling and collapse
A more dramatic example: radiative collapse in Kr, measured in the INTI PF on the basis of a current measurement Fig 1. Fitting the computed current trace to the measured current trace of INTI PF at 12 kV 0.5 Torr Kr (shot 631). (Note the two curves have a close fit. Without radiation, the current (not shown) has a much smaller dip.
Expanding the current trace to show the region of the dip
Fig 1a Expanded view of the fitting
The fitting to the measured current waveform gives the radial trajectory revealing strong radiative collapse to very small radius Having fitted the computed current trace to the measured current trace, the resulting radial trajectory indicates strong radiative collapse to very small radius, as shown in the following Figure. The radial trajectory hypothetically without radiation is also computed and shown for comparison.
Comparing radial trajectory with radiation (purple) and (hypothetically) without radiation (black)
Expanding the time scale to show details of radiative collapse region
From a measured current waveform, the parameters of the radiative collapse are derived.
The peak compression region is magnified and shown in the above figure. The current values are normalized by 145 kA, the Pline is normalized by 3.7x1012 W and the radius ratio kp=rp/a is multiplied by 20. The pinch compresses to a radius of cm corresponding to a radius ratio (pinch radius normalized to anode radius) of T The radiative collapse is ended when plasma self-absorption attenuates the intense line radiation. The rebound of the pinch radius is also evident in Fig 3. The line radiation leaving the plasma is also plotted (in normalized unit) to show its correlation to the trajectory in order to show the effect of the radiation on the compression. This intense compression, despite the low mass swept in factor of fmr= 0.11, reaches 3.7 x 1026 ions m-3, which is 15 times atmospheric density (starting from less than 1/1000 of an atmospheric pressure). The energy pumped into the pinch is 250 J whilst 41 J are radiated away in several ns, most of the radiation occurring in in a tremendous burst of 50 ps at peak compression with a peak radiation power of almost 4 x1012 W. The energy density at peak compression is 4 x 1013 J m-3 or 40 kJ mm-3. Thus from a measured current waveform in this Kr discharge, the parameters of this intense HED is measured showing the high density achieved .
All this information from just one measured current waveform
Recent developments Modelling of: Ion beam fluence Post focus axial shock waves Plasma streams Anode sputtered material Radiatively enhanced compressions Energy Throughput scaling
Plasma Focus Pinch Latest photo taken by Paul Lee on INTI PF
Emissions from the PF Pinch region Latest
+Mach500 Plasma stream +Mach20 anode material jet
Highest pre-pinch radial speed>25cm/us M250
Sequence of shadowgraphs of PF Pinch- M Shahid Rafique PhD Thesis NTU/NIE Singapore Latest Highest post-pinch axial shock waves speed ~50cm/us M500 Highest pre-pinch radial speed>25cm/us M250
Slow Copper plasma jet 2cm/us M20
Much later…Sequence of shadowgraphics of post-pinch copper jet S Lee et al J Fiz Mal 6, 33 (1985) Latest Slow Copper plasma jet 2cm/us M20
Extracted from V A Gribkov presentation: IAEA Dec 2012
Flux out of Plasma Focus
Charged particle beams Neutron emission when operating with D Radiation including Bremsstrahlung, line radiation, SXR and HXR Plasma stream Anode sputtered material
Modelling the flux Latest
Ion beam number fluence is derived from beam-plasma target considerations as: Fibt = Cn Ipinch2zp[ln(b/rp)]/ (prp2 U1/2) ions m-2 All SI units:calibration constant Cn =8.5x108; calibrated against experimental point at 0.5MA Ipinch=pinch current zp=pinch length b=outer electrode, cathode radius rp=pinch radius U=beam energy in eV where in this model U=3x Vmax (max dynamic induced voltage) These values are computed by our code
Table 1: Parameters of a range of Plasma Focus and
Table 1: Parameters of a range of Plasma Focus and computed Ion Beam characteristics Latest Machine PF1000 DPF78 NX3 INTIPF NX2 PF-5M PF400J E0 (kJ) 486 31.0 14.5 3.4 2.7 2.0 0.4 L0 (nH) 33 55 50 110 20 40 V0 (kV) 27 60 17 15 14 16 28 'a' (cm) 11.50 4.00 2.60 0.95 1.90 1.50 0.60 c=b/a 1.4 1.3 2 2.2 1.7 Ipeak (kA) 1846 961 582 180 382 258 129 Ipinch (kA) 862 444 348 122 220 165 84 zp (cm) 18.8 5.5 3.8 2.8 2.3 0.8 rp (cm) 2.23 0.62 0.13 0.31 0.22 0.09 t (ns) 255 41.0 36.5 7.6 30.0 12.2 5.1 Vmax (kV) 42 68.3 35 25 22 32.3 18
3.9 3.2 5.7 3.6 3.4 2.4 2.6 Machine IB Ion Fluence (x1020m-2) PF1000
Latest Machine IB Ion Fluence (x1020m-2) PF1000 3.9 DPF78 3.2 NX3 5.7 INTI 3.6 NX2 3.4 PF5M 2.4 PF400J 2.6 IB Ion Flux (x1027m-2s-1) 1.5 7.8 15.6 46.7 11.5 19.6 50.4 Mean Ion Energy (keV) 126 205 105 75 66 97 54 IB Energy Fluence (x106 J m-2) 10.6 9.6 4.3 3.7 2.2 IB Energy Flux (x1013 W m-2) 3.1 25.8 26.3 56.4 12.0 30.6 43.2 Ion Number (x1014) 6100 390 280 19 110 37 5.9 IB Energy (J) 12248 1284 479 23 111 58 5.1 (% E0) (2.5) (4.1) (3.3) (0.7) (2.8) (1.3) IB current (kA) 380.0 152.4 124.8 40.0 56.7 49.1 18.6 IB Damage Ftr (x1010 Wm-2s0.5) 1.6 5.2 5.0 4.9 2.1 Ion Speed (cm/ms) 347 443 317 269 250 305 226 Ion Number per kJ (x1014) 12.6 12.7 19.4 5.6 40.1 18.1 15.1 Plasma Stream Energy (J) 39120 394 1707 249 369 92 17 (8.1) (12.0) (7.4) (13.7) (4.5) Plasma Stream Speed (cm/ms) 18.2 23.1 24.2 47.4 20.1 48.6 35.7
Plasma Focus Numerical Experiments- Conclusions: We have covered
Development, usage and results Basis and philosophy Reference for Diagnostics Insights and frontiers Continuing development- Ion beam modelling, radiative collapse for HED and energy throughput scaling.
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