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Is coffee drinking just an American thing or do they drink coffee all around the world?

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Presentation on theme: "Is coffee drinking just an American thing or do they drink coffee all around the world?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Is coffee drinking just an American thing or do they drink coffee all around the world?


4 Your task is to write the total number of cups of coffee that are drank worldwide in a decade. Your answer and work should be in scientific notation.


6 What do we need to know to answer this question?

7 How many cups of coffee are consumed daily. How many years in a decade
* How many cups of coffee are consumed daily? *How many years in a decade? *Write the number of daily cups and the number of days in a decade in scientific notation.

8 Do your operations using scientific notation and rules of exponents.

9 EXTENSION QUESTION: Assume the average cost of a cup of coffee worldwide during the decade is $2.70. If the prices and consumption stay the same, how much money is generated in coffee sales for the decade worldwide? How many pennies would that be in scientific notation?

10 Each group needs to include the following in their final answer. 1
Each group needs to include the following in their final answer. 1. Source used for the number of cups of coffee consumed daily. 2. Explanation of all the scientific notation numbers in your answer. 3. Show your computations using scientific notation and rules of exponents. 4. Final answers with explanations of the answers.

11 Presentation of Answer Options: Poster Online Presentation Written report Unique Option of your choice

12 Hint: Ignore the problem of leap years and just use each year having the same number of days. It becomes easier to write as a scientific notation value.


14 Challenge Question upon completion of full task.
You decide to get into the coffee business and hope to take over .0032% of all the coffee market in the world. What would be your goal for the amount of cups of coffee you would want to control during the decade? Show work and explain your reasoning.

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