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Cell Organelles: Part 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Organelles: Part 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Organelles: Part 3

2 The Cytoskeleton The cytoskeleton is found throughout the cytosol.
It is used to move the cell move organelles within the cell, provide support and structure cytoplasmic streaming Two types of Stuctures: Microtubules Microfilaments

3 Centriole within the centrosome in the Animal Cell

4 Microtubules Made of tubulin protein
Hollow tubes made of protein spheres Used for cell shape, cilia, flagella and centrioles Used to move chromosomes

5 Microfilaments Two strands of protein
Used for cell shape and changing it Used for muscle contraction

6 Cilia and Flagella For locomotion Same construction
9 double microtubules on the outside and 2 singles in the middle. a (9+2) construction Flagella are usually longer and fewer Plants are not ciliated

7 The cell on the left has flagella the one on the right is ciliated

8 Centrioles Found in animal cells Made of 9 triplet microtubules
Used to make cilia and flagella

9 Basal Bodies Are like centrioles
And anchor the cilia and flagella into the cell

10 Inside the Cell

11 A Tour of the Cell

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