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Turn your Bacteria Resistance Lab into the tray.

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1 Turn your Bacteria Resistance Lab into the tray.
Bell Ringer: 3/14 Don’t Forget: Battle of the Botanist Extra Credit: After school today! Tomorrow: Before school, 1st half of lunch, and after school! Turn your Bacteria Resistance Lab into the tray.

2 Lunch: Cellular Processes-1st half: 351 & 2nd Half 230
STAAR Tutorials Lunch: Cellular Processes-1st half: 351 & 2nd Half 230 After school: Transcription & Translation-231

3 3/6-PHONES in my pockets Have your stamp sheet ready to turn in:
Stamp #13-Angiosperms Virus Re-takes Today & Tomorrow Term Test corrections today & tomorrow Root Word re-takes today & tomorrow Staar tutorials: Rm 1:10

4 Plant Transport Xylem and Phloem

5 How does our body transport food, water, and nutrients throughout itself?

6 How do water and nutrients move through the transport system of a plant if it does not have a heart to act as a pump? 6

7 Levels of Organization Plant vs. Animal

8 Levels of Organization Plants

9 Plant Organ System- Shoot System
Shoot system- above ground part of a plant. Includes organs such as: Leaves, buds, stems, flowers, and fruits

10 Plant organ system- Root system
Root system- Below ground part of a plant. Includes organs such as: Roots, tubers, and rhizomes. Water enters the ROOTS through OSMOSIS.

11 Vascular Tissues (transport tissues)
Vascular Tissues- Internal system of interconnected tubes and vessels in some terrestrial plants. Aides in transport of water and nutrients The stem of a plant has two main ‘highways’ of transportation: xylem and phloem.

12 Transport occurs within roots, stems, and leaves.
The Vascular Cylinder(bundle) contains: Xylem Phloem Carries Water W (water) & X (xylem) are both at the end of the alphabet. (Flow-em) Carries Food 15

13 Xylem Xylem- Plant tissue that transports water and minerals from roots to leaf and other parts of plants (moves upward) .

14 Transpiration Process by which water is transported from roots to leaves due to loss of water through evaporation on the surface of the leaf.

15 Phloem Phloem- Plant tissue that transports sugar and nutrients from leaves to other parts of plant (moves up and down)

16 Phloem Sieve Tube- specialized cells that transport sugar and nutrients throughout the plant.

17 Xylem is in the center. Phloem is on the outer edge.

18 More views Xylem

19 Pith Pith- Vascular tissues found in the center of stems that are responsible for storing nutrients in plants.

20 Which type of plant tissue is responsible for transport of water and minerals?
Phloem Xylem Pith Flower

21 Plant tissue that transports sugar and nutrients.
Phloem Xylem Pith Flower

22 Plant system that includes stem, leaves, and flowers.
Root System Shoot System Vascular System Circulatory System

23 Plant system that is found under ground.
Root system Shoot system Vascular system Circulatory system

24 Internal systems of interconnect tubes used for plant transport.
Apical tissue Ground tissue Vascular tissue Dermal tissue

25 Lab: “Celery Sucks!” Objective- To observe the movement of water in celery stem.

26 Please follow the procedure on the GREEN paper to set up your Celery Sucks Lab. You will have one cup and one piece of celery per table. EVERYONE will collect their own data and answer their own lab questions.

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