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A-G Requirements What they are and what YOU need to attend a 4 year college or university…

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1 A-G Requirements What they are and what YOU need to attend a 4 year college or university…

2 A. History/ Social Science
CSU -2 years UC – 2 years All history courses should promote historical understanding and critical thinking and encourage analysis that requires going beyond the facts. U.S. History World History, Culture and Historical Geography American Government

3 B. English CSU – 4 Years UC- 4 years Reading Writing
Must include full-length works (i.e., courses based solely on anthologies will not be accepted) Readings should be incorporated into the curriculum. Writing Must require extensive expository writing Approved CSU Expository Reading and Writing course

4 C. Mathematics CSU – 3 years (Alg.1,2 & Geometry)
UC – 3 years, 4 years recommended Any level of math taken over two years is acceptable, but credit is granted only for one year. Honors courses must be at least at the math analysis or pre-calculus level. UC, CSU and high school faculty met to make recommendations to clarify math and science guidelines.

5 D. Laboratory Science CSU 2 years ( biology, physical science) UC 2 years, 3 years recommended Lower-level science courses (i.e., without prerequisites) that do not address a majority of concepts expected in biology, chemistry or physics, may be approved as “g.”

6 E. Language other than English
CSU 2 years of same langauge UC 2 years, 3 years recommended Acceptable languages: modern, classical, ASL Fourth- and fifth-year courses should involve increasingly challenging reading of literature. Middle school courses may be used to fulfill requirement. Native-speakers courses are acceptable. Schools should designate level.

7 F. Visual & Performing CSU 1 year UC 1 year Design courses (such as video production, architectural or graphic design, animation) must focus on elements of art and principles of design.

8 G. College Preparatory Elective
CSU – 1 year from approved A-G course list UC – 1 year from approved A-G course list AVID Course will be taken over two years and students will receive one year of elective credit with grade of C or better. Journalism New model course description for Advanced and Beginning Journalism posted on the “A-G” Guide website

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