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Bio Do Now What do you think this quote means?

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Presentation on theme: "Bio Do Now What do you think this quote means?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bio Do Now What do you think this quote means?
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it” --Aristotle

2 What is evolution? Have students write down what they know or think evolution is

3 Common descent Organisms are descended from a common ancestor With common descent things change Change over time Evolution is the change in various characteristics of organisms

4 Work in groups of 3-4 (1) develop a short statement answering the question, What is evolution? (2) identify three to four questions they have about biological evolution Present

5 Natural Selection (1) the potential for a species to increase in number (2)the genetic variation among offspring due to mutation and recombination of genes (3) a finite supply of resources and stable environments (4) those offspring better able to survive will pass on their traits/variations to their offspring


7 Assignment 4 parts of natural selection in your own words
Diagram of your species that highlights each part

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