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Psychometrics Working Group Friday Harbor Laboratories

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1 Report of the Mplus Working Group on Issues regarding Unidimensionality
Psychometrics Working Group Friday Harbor Laboratories September 21-24, 2005 Members of the Mplus group included Rosemary Abbott Dagmar Amtmann Mark Chatfield Rich Jones Carla Sharp Doug Tommett (did I forget anyone?)

2 This figure is a plot of scree (eigenvalues) from the factor analysis of 50 items from the 3MSE (CHS, year 5). A strong first factor explains more than 50% of the variance in the items. Nine eigenvalues are greater than 1. One is less than 0, signaling violations of the assumption of local independence.

3 This a histogram of the distribution of the 1,275 residual correlations among the 50 3MSE items, conditional on a single latent trait. The mean, by design, is 0. Many items have residual correlations in that are rather high. In the following slides, these item pairs are identified.

4 The group suggested that natural thing to do with these highly dependent (and perhaps logically dependent) items is to collapse them into item parcels.

5 This slide (and several to follow) summarizes results of an attempt to implement McDonald’s Hierarchical Factor Analysis approach to the assessment of unidimensionality. A ten-item factor model was imposed upon the data (year 5 data, 50 3MSE items, all participants with non-missing data on each item). The first factor was a general factor (loaded into all items). The second-tenth factors were modeled after the nine-item factor solution suggested by the exploratory factor analysis. This table presents the items loading on the general factor, on an empirically-identified minor or sub-factor, and the number (2-9) identifying the sub-factor. A “+” in the final column identifies the items that have a higher loading on the general factor then the minor factor.




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