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Rethinking Time Management

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Presentation on theme: "Rethinking Time Management"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rethinking Time Management
Srimathi Kandasamy & Gunjan Gupta Oracle, Hyderabad


3 Agenda

4 Agenda History of the time management theory
New era of time management How to multiply your time Q&A

5 History of the time management theory

6 Managing Your Time Getting things done faster
Trying to be more and more..... efficient Developing required tools and technology

7 Time Management Matrix

8 Prioritizing your time


10 New era of time management

11 Time Management Theory
It is all about significance - or, how long something is going to matter and whether it will have an impact on the future You are powerful enough to decide what you will and won’t do with your time Multiply your time by spending time on things today that will give you more time tomorrow

12 Procrastinate on purpose
Important Significant Urgent

13 How to multiply your time

14 Focus funnel

15 Eliminate “What are you currently saying yes to that is causing you to say no to your goals or your family?”

16 Automate “What things are you doing over and over again that you could invest time or money into automating?”

17 “What tasks are you hanging on to that you need to let go control of?”
Delegate “What tasks are you hanging on to that you need to let go control of?”

18 Procrastinate “In what areas of your life do you need to learn to be okay with things being just okay and to trust that time will help sort things out?”

19 Concentrate “What do you need to give yourself permission to concentrate on? How would concentrating on that create more opportunity for those around you?”

20 The Focus Funnel Eliminate Ignore Automate Delegate Procrastinate
Tasks Permissions Choices Eliminate Ignore Automate Delegate Procrastinate Invest Imperfect Incomplete Imperfect Protect Concentrate

21 How do you determine success at the end of each day?
Example (Precision, Creativity) “I found the right answers and created something beautiful.” Example (Accomplishment, Relationships) “I checked lots of tasks off my list and made new friends.” Example (Service, Precision) “I contributed to the team and solved problems.” Example (Creativity, Accomplishment) “I improved something and put a new plan into action.” Example (Relationship, Service) “I touched people’s lives and saved someone’s day. My Terms Of Success My day was a success because I ………………………………………………………

22 Thanks! Any questions?

23 References Procrastinate on Purpose: 5 Permissions to Multiply Your Time

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