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fK+K- analysis in Run3: Scopes of the paper

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1 fK+K- analysis in Run3: Scopes of the paper
Dipali Pal Vanderbilt University Light/heavy PWG February 10, 2005

2 d-Au fKK results What are the results we have from fK+K- analysis in d-Au collisions? Line shape Yield Particle ratio Rcp and RdA (with p-p analysis)

3 Line shape analysis (I)
d – Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV f K+K- Minimum-bias Normalized above M = 1.1 GeV/c2 Bin size: 1 MeV/c2 Fitting function: BW convolved with Gaussian Mass resolution function of s ~ 1.4 MeV/c2 <m> = ± ± GeV/c2 (stat) (syst) G = 4.567±0.441 (stat)± (syst) MeV/c2 S = 786 ± 34, S/B = 1/0.47

4 Line shape analysis-II
PHENIX Preliminary d – √sNN = 200 GeV d – √sNN = 200 GeV fK+K- fK+K- PDG PDG no cold nuclear line shape modification of f mass spectra. See discussions in PPG016 (Section IV-A)

5 Yield analysis: dN/dy About a factor of 3 increase
in dN/dy per participant pair from d-Au to Au – Au! dN/dy increases with centrality and from d-Au to Au-Au system.

6 Yield analysis: Inverse slope
Au – √sNN = 200 GeV (PHENIX Final) The inverse slope is almost constant within different centrality classes of d-Au and is consistent with Au-Au system.

7 Particle ratio - I

8 Particle ratio - II CERN SPS NA49 (√sNN = 17 GeV) results:
There is a factor of ~1.5 increase in yield per participant from p-A to A-A system. PHENIX (√sNN = 200 GeV) shows a factor of ~3 increase in f meson yield per participant pair in Au-Au compared to d-Au.

9 Particle ratio - III CERN SPS NA49 (√sNN = 17 GeV) results:
PHENIX (√sNN = 200 GeV)

10 Rcp (d-Au) f  K+K- pion

11 d-Au & pp comparison No Npart scaling With Npart scaling

12 RdA (Yield_d-Au/<Ncoll>)/(Yield_pp/<Ncoll>)

13 Outlook Results from d-Au phiKK analysis.
Are we ready to go for a PPG on phi in Run3? -- Journal? -- What are the other topics on phi? -- e+e- in d-Au -- K+K- pp Any other input?

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