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Applications of AI Robotics.

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1 Applications of AI Robotics

2 What is a robot ? The word “robot” was first used in a 1921 play titled R.U.R.: Rossum’s Universal Robots, by Czechoslovakian writer Karel Capek. Robot is a Czech word meaning “worker.” The play described mechanical servants, the “robots.” When the robots were endowed with emotion, they turned on their masters and destroyed them.

3 Building a robot Building a robot from scratch involves the following:
Power supply systems Motors and gears for drive and motion control Sensors Artificial intelligence

4 Purpose of robots • Exploration, e.g.( NASA Mars Pathfinder )
• Industrial robots—going to work • Design and prototyping( CAD, CAM,…). • Hazardous duty • Maintenance. • Nanotechnology • War robots.

5 Sojourner Rover

6 Hazardous

7 Some State of Art

8 ASIMO stands for ‘Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility
ASIMO stands for ‘Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility.’ ASIMO can walk forward and backward, turn corners, walk up and down stairs, and even kick a soccer ball – all with remarkable sense of balance and agility.


10 History of ASIMO

11 Assignment Write a report on robots and their applications

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