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Traffic Sensing Bicycle Light

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1 Traffic Sensing Bicycle Light
ECE 445 Proposal, Spring 2019 Kent Kalpakjian, Micron Technology Micron Confidential

2 Traffic Sensing Bicycle Light
Introduction Each year more than 800 cyclists are killed in accidents involving a motor vehicle This is despite increased cyclist awareness and the introduction of bike-only lanes How can motorists be made more aware of cyclists in their direct path? Micron Confidential

3 Traffic Sensing Bicycle Light
Proposal Design, build, and test a rear-facing bicycle light that senses traffic coming from behind and alerts the car driver The light would support 3 modes of operation based on the distance and relative speed of approaching vehicle: Mode Rear Distance Relative Speed Alarm type Normal > D1 feet < S1 mph Standard flashing red Warning < D1 feet > S1 mph Add High intensity white strobe light Danger < D2 feet > S2 mph Add audible alarm Micron Confidential

4 Traffic Sensing Bicycle Light
Proposal < S1 Normal > D1 > S1 Warning < D1 > S2 Danger < D2 Micron Confidential

5 Traffic Sensing Bicycle Light
Requirements and Challenges Requirements Battery powered 3 modes of operation Trimmable parameters for range and speed Challenges How to distinguish between cars approaching from behind versus cars that are passing by at a safe distance, parked, or travelling in the opposite direction? How to distinguish between a car in the rear versus a fellow cyclist in the rear? What is the effective weighting of the Distance and Relative Speed parameters? Micron Confidential

6 Micron Confidential

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