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Who we’ve worked for: Connexions 12 UK Youth Offending Teams Youth Action Team (YAT) Local Authorities Play England British Youth Council Youth Action.

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Presentation on theme: "Who we’ve worked for: Connexions 12 UK Youth Offending Teams Youth Action Team (YAT) Local Authorities Play England British Youth Council Youth Action."— Presentation transcript:


2 Who we’ve worked for: Connexions 12 UK Youth Offending Teams Youth Action Team (YAT) Local Authorities Play England British Youth Council Youth Action Network Creative Partnerships CAMHS West Anglia College Leicestershire Constabulary Youth Voice Leicester Youth Service Arts Council U.K YMCA

3 Underlying key principles to engage young people
Involve young people Let them have a voice Stay connected with youth culture Be creative and adventurous Don’t patronsie or use “yoof chat” Be clear and simple Not one size fits all approach

4 Methods and approaches to attracting young people
Give an aid memoire-badges/t-shirts/keyrings Use young people’s environment as a creative canvas Get your campaign/project in the press Get young people talking about your project by making it the must do thing Make your communication interactive with young people and don’t forget a call to action A creative PR stunt led by young people Identify your targets more specifically Create a web presence eg; facebook, myspace Use viral, gureilla marketing and sms texting

5 What is Guerrilla Marketing?
Using cost-effective techniques Aims to focus attention to the message More fun and creative Has the ability to get young people talking- word of mouth

6 Examples of Guerrilla Marketing


8 Examples Guerilla Marketing in schools
To explore creative approaches to visual communication in school To engage students in positive behaviour and safety issues






14 Viral marketing Viral marketing is a marketing strategy that encourages recipients to pass along messages to others in order to generate added exposure. Flash animation/video/joke etc

15 VIRAL VIDEO Aim To engage the views and raise the awareness of the Arts Council to young people by creating an online debate of how the Arts Council can reach more young people. Consulted resident young consultants We spammed 5000 young people via and resulted in 136 young people providing their views and opinions regarding the Arts Council. Conclusion The Arts Council is now implementing the views of the findings within their investment strategy allowing them to allocate funds to projects which will have more impact and demand on young people.


17 What makes a good design?
Getting young people involved Bright colour Funky font (hand drawn is very popular) Images of young people Illustrations Simple text information and call to action


19 Using technology to engage hard to reach young people
Engages with the young person, therefore gathering a more in-depth information Provides professionals better assessment of the young person Reduces paper work/ turn off by the young person Triggers discussions Can be used remotely Password and data protected Information can be printed out by worker









28 Thank you. Now time for those awkward question!!!

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