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American Indian Studies

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1 American Indian Studies

2 Course Description This class offers from an American Indian perspective, a look at some of the primary events which shaped American history from the time Columbus “discovered” the Americas up until the present time with a special emphasis on Anishinaabe history and culture. Learning the Ojibwe language is a daily activity in this class.

3 Objectives To provide the student with an overview of American Indian history. - To learn basic Anishinaabe/Ojibwe words and phrases. - To develop an understanding of the role the Anishinaabe/Ojibwe played in history. - To become familiar with current events in Indian country. - To gain an appreciation for the Anishinaabe/Ojibwe culture.

4 Topics Covered Specific topics studied in this class include:
Who is Indian? - Cultural sensitivity - Racism/prejudice - Stereotypes - Ojibwe language - Pre-history and mound builders -Columbus encounter - Another look at Thanksgiving - Iroquois Confederacy - Creek Confederacy

5 Five Civilized Tribes - Trail of Tears - Sandy Lake Tragedy - Sand Creek Massacre - Dakota Conflict - Wounded Knee 1890 - Battle of Sugar Point - Wounded Knee 1973 - 100 Years War - Storytelling -Minnesota Reservations - Treaties and treaty rights - American Indians in the military - Dawes Act Current Events

6 Texts/Reading Materials
Excerpts from: Native American History –Nies Cultures in Conflict –Feder Mishomis Book – Benton-Banai The Ojibwe People – MHS The land of the Ojibwe – MHS Indian Country –Harvey/Harjo Various newspaper and magazine articles Various Websites

7 Formative Assessments
10 pt. daily work assignments Class participation Approx. ten 10 pt. quizzes Approx. 1-2 research projects Summative Assessments Approx. six 50 pt tests Final exam

8 Assignments/Special Projects/Daily Work
Students will be given short assignments relating to the current topic being studied. Two or three special (50-point) projects will be completed. Ample class time will be set aside for special projects.

9 Extra Credit A list of extra credit opportunities will be distributed a few weeks into the course. There will also be occasional opportunities to earn extra credit in class.

10 Grading >92% = A 90% = A- 88% = B+ 82% -=B 80% = B-
The following scale will be used to establish grades: >92% = A 90% = A- 88% = B+ 82% -=B 80% = B- 78% = C+ 72% = C 70% = C- 68% = D+ 62% = D 60% = D-

11 Important Note You may experience a mixture of emotions (sometimes strong!) when participating in this class. Keep in mind that this is a normal reaction and the best thing you can do about it is to TALK ABOUT IT! Let’s have RESPECTFUL discussion about “hot topics”.

12 Ms. Erven American Indian Services Room 133 Grand Rapids High School
Office phone: Direct line: ext. 1681

13 Giga-gikinoo’amoon ji-nitaa-ojibwemowin!
(I’ll teach you to speak Ojibwemowin!)

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