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Five Reasons to Take Challenging Courses
Colleges look at the high school courses you've taken and want to see that you were not coasting through high school. 2. Tough courses give you the knowledge and skills you need to do college work and be more prepared for a job. 3. Students who take challenging courses score higher on the ACT/SAT. 4. You will be less likely to need remedial courses in college, and you may be able to finish college sooner and save some money. 5. You will have more options for college and a career.
World Language- 2 Years Required
Talk about World Language and Career Pathway Electives Advanced World Language- 2 Years Required Must be same language for College Requirements. Can be 2 different languages if not College Bound If still considering College best to continue with same language Career Pathway Electives Advanced- 3 Years (6 Semesters) required Start planning now to fit everything in!!
Graduation Guidelines Menu of Options for Successful Demonstration of Competency
Students will need to show Competency is both English and Math by showing 1 of these. All 9th graders will be taking the PSAT 9 this April. Great to start working towards the SAT in 11th grade. That can be used as to show Competency.
4 years of English 4 years of College Prep Math 3 to 4 years of Natural Science At least 2 years of lab science Depending on the college 3 to 4 years of Social Science 2 to 3 years of World Language In same language 2 years of Academic Electives As you are making decisions for courses check college admissions guidelines to make sure you are meeting them. Won’t hurt you to take more than needed.
CollegeNow Opportunities
Your opportunities to earn college credit while in high school through Front Range and Aims Community Colleges! FRCC: Career Pathways-Students participate in half-day, on-campus, year-long CTE programs, with other high school students, with option for college credit. (Requires Accuplacer completion.) Both: High School Select-Students take college classes at TSD high schools for college credit.(College Comp, Welding, etc) (Requires Accuplacer.) Both: Campus Select-Students take college classes on college campus with other college students. (Requires Accuplacer.) You will hear more about these opportunities next year for and will have the opportunity to apply for your junior and senior years. To qualify for any of the above programs, students must have an active ICAP that includes a current 4 year plan that reflects the intent to take one of these programs.
Career Wise A 3 year, hands-on learning experience where you get trained and paid for doing meaningful work at a company while finishing high school on time. Earn College Credit, and hourly wage, industry certificate, and real world experience. Apprenticeships currently offered in Business Operations, Information Technology, Advanced Manufacturing, Financial Services, and Healthcare You can apply starting your Sophomore year to begin your Junior Year. Visit for more info. You will hear more about this next year and have the ability to apply for Junior and Senior Year.
ASCENT Eligibility: What it looks like:
Remain enrolled in TSD as a 5th year senior and attend Front Range Community College with tuition paid. Eligibility: Must have earned 12 qualifying college credits by the end of the senior year. (100 level and above.) Must meet all graduation requirements on time. Must be a student in good standing. ASCENT must be on ICAP. No remedial level courses (below 100) Notify counselor beginning of senior year if interested. If you have earned 12 college credits by the end of senior year and met other requirements you may be eligible for ASCENT which allows you to attend college with the tuition paid by the district for 1 year after graduation. What it looks like: Go through graduation process as normal. Diploma retained one year. Grades/credits of 5th year count on high school transcript. Student pays fees and books.
AP Capstone Diploma How it Works
If you earn scores of a 3 or higher in AP Seminar and AP Research and on four additional AP Exams of your choice, you’ll receive the AP Capstone Diploma. If you earn scores of 3 or higher in AP Seminar and AP Research you’ll receive the AP Seminar and Research Certificate. You can take AP Seminar in 10th grade and it will count for your English 10 credit!
AP SEMINAR Why should you take it? You love to argue
You love to investigate You plan on earning a master’s degree or Ph.D. someday You want to excel in communication and writing You want a challenge You are pursuing the AP Capstone Diploma
High School Course Guide (on line - CommunicationsCourse Guides and Handbooks Specific information on graduation requirements, course descriptions, pre-requisites, course fees and locations. Transcript-available on parent portal
REGISTRATION Jane Doe 123456 1669 Eagle Drive 970-123-4567
SOPHOMORE REGISTRATION Jane Doe 1669 Eagle Drive Complete the yellow registration form with input from parents, teachers, and counselors. Acquire your teacher’s signature for proper level placement (ie: Skills, Regular, Pre AP/AP): English, Science, Social Studies, Math and Foreign Language. Each line on the registration form represents a semester; a year long course takes two lines
STUDENTS MUST ENROLL IN 16 COURSES COURSE TITLE: CORE TEACHERS VERIFY RECOMMENDED LEVEL WITH A SIGNATURE COURSE NUMBER TEACHER SIGNATURE CREDIT English 10: Pre AP Regular AP Seminar .5 Science: Pre AP Biology Biology Pre AP Chemistry Chemistry Science: Pre AP Biology Biology Pre AP Chemistry Chemistry Math: Social Studies: World Geo AP Human Geo World Hist AP World Hist ADDITIONAL CREDITS Health or Other Elective Fitness or Other Elective 1st Priority 2nd Priority 3rd Priority 4th Priority 5th Priority 6th Priority TOTAL 8.0 LIST 3 ALTERNATE ELECTIVE CLASSES TO BE USED IF THE ABOVE CLASSES CANNOT BE SCHEDULED REGISTRATION REQUESTS ARE BINDING AND FINAL
COURSE OFFERINGS (P) = PREREQUISITE (IA) = INSTRUCTOR APPROVAL College Credit May Be Available = SEMESTER = YEAR ART All Meet Fine Arts Graduation Requirement 6600 Drawing I .5 6602 Drawing II (P) 6604 Painting I .5 6606 Painting II (P) .5 6608 Comp Graphics I - Art .5 6610 Comp Graphics II – Art (P) .5 6614 Sculpture/Ceramics I .5 6616 Sculpture/Ceramics II (P) .5 6618 Metalsmithing/Jewelry I .5 6620 Metalsmithing/Jewelry II (P) .5 6622 Photography I .5 6624 Photography II (P) (IA) .5 6626 Photography III (P) (at MVHS) .5 6628/6629 Television Broadcasting I 1.0 6634 Video Production I .5 6636/6637 Video Production II (P) .5 6638/6639 AP Art History (at MVHS, TVHS) 1.0 6640/6641 AP Studio Art Drawing (P) (IA)(at LHS, MVHS) 1.0 6642/6643 AP Studio Art 2-D Design (P) (IA) (at LHS, MVHS)1.0 6644/6645 AP Studio Art 3-D Design (P) (IA) (at LHS, MVHS)1.0 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Meets Graduation Requirement Most Classes are Repeatable All Meet Career Pathway/Adv Elective Requirement 7600 Personal Fitness .5 7601 Health .5 7602 Self Defense Women’s .5 7603 Aquatics .5 7626 Aquatics & Fitness .5 7604 Lifeguarding Training (P) .5 7605 First Aid (P) .5 7606 Men’s Weight Training 1 .5 7607 Men’s Weight Training II (P) .5 7632 Men’s Weights & Fitness .5 7608 Women’s Weight Training 1 .5 7609 Women’s Weight Training II (P) .5 7634 Women’s Weights & Fitness .5 7610 Team Sports .5 7628 Team Sports & Fitness .5 7612 Net Sports .5 7613 Lifetime Sports .5 7614 Aerobics & Dance .5 Athletic Weights .5 Athletic Training (at MVHS) .5 7623 Fit for Life .5 Pay attention to where classes are offered. Some classes are only offered at other high schools. If no specific schools are listed, then class is offered at all the high schools.
COURSE TITLE: CORE TEACHERS ARE TO CIRCLE OR WRITE IN RECOMMENDED LEVEL AND VERIFY WITH A SIGNATURE COURSE NUMBER TEACHER SIGNATURE CREDIT English 10: Pre AP Regular AP Seminar .5 Science: Pre AP Biology Biology Pre AP Chemistry Chemistry Science: Pre AP Biology Biology Pre AP Chemistry Chemistry Math: Social Studies: World Geo, AP Geo, World His, AP World Social Studies: World Geo, AP Geo, World His, AP World ADDITIONAL CREDITS Health or Other Elective Speech or Other Elective 1st Priority 2nd Priority 3rd Priority 4th Priority 9828 5th Priority 9829 6th Priority TOTAL 8.0 LIST 3 ALTERNATE ELECTIVE CLASSES TO BE USED IF THE ABOVE CLASSES CANNOT BE SCHEDULED 1024 Mr. Norton 1025 Mr. Norton Men’s Weight Training I 7606 Aerobics and Dance 7614 AP STUDIO ART 6638 Mrs. Robinson AP STUDIO ART 6639 Mrs. Robinson ***Credit Recovery-use only if you need to make up academic credits you failed List three alternatives in priority order Obtain signatures: parent, counselor and yours ENTER YOUR REQUESTS ONLINE!!! Meet with your counselor to finalize your registration. Psychology I 4080
List in preferential order
COURSE TITLE: CORE TEACHERS ARE TO CIRCLE OR WRITE IN RECOMMENDED LEVEL AND VERIFY WITH A SIGNATURE COURSE NUMBER TEACHER SIGNATURE CREDIT English 10: Pre AP Regular AP Seminar .5 Science: Pre AP Biology Biology Pre AP Chemistry Chemistry Science: Pre AP Biology Biology Pre AP Chemistry Chemistry Math: Social Studies: World Geo, AP Geo, World His, AP World Social Studies: World Geo, AP Geo, World His, AP World ADDITIONAL CREDITS Health or Other Elective Speech or Other Elective 1st Priority 2nd Priority 3rd Priority 4th Priority 9828 5th Priority 9829 6th Priority TOTAL 8.0 LIST 3 ALTERNATE ELECTIVE CLASSES TO BE USED IF THE ABOVE CLASSES CANNOT BE SCHEDULED 1024 Mr. Norton 1025 Mr. Norton Men’s Weight Training I 7601 DRAWING I 6600 Mrs. Robinson AP AR HISTORY 6638 AP ART HISTORY 6639 Mrs. Robinson List in preferential order List three alternatives in priority order Obtain signatures: parent, counselor and yours ENTER YOUR REQUESTS ONLINE!!! Meet with your counselor to finalize your registration. Psychology I 4080
X _____
Online Registration Log on to your Parent Portal Account
Click on the icon: “Registration: TVHS 19-20” 19-20 18-19
Online Registration Continued
You are now ready to enter your course requests by selecting “Course Search” 19-20
Online Registration Continued
You will see that you may search for courses by name or by course number. Course Number is the best way to ensure you end up in the correct class. Double check what course comes up before you add it to your course plan. 1020 Using the course number is the most accurate way to choose your courses
Online Registration Continued
Read about your selected course and then click the “Request this Course”
Online Registration Continued
18-19 -Notice that the requested course is now listed under requested courses. -Continue entering your requested courses until you have a full schedule 16/16 This number shows if you have an overage or shortage. You need to make sure that you have chosen all 16 courses for the upcoming school year.
Online Registration Continued
After “Requested Courses” are filled (16/16) Enter 3 alternatives in priority order. Click on the “Request as an Alternate”
Online Registration Continued
If you make a mistake, no big deal. Re-click on the class that you’d like to delete, and then select “Drop This Request”
Finalize Registration
Continue conversations and get teacher signatures on your schedule sheets. You will meet with your counselor after you have entered your courses to finalize registration and answer additional questions. You must complete your registration form and the online registration BEFORE you meet with your counselor. Your online requests will be checked by your counselor and then “locked”. NO CHANGES may be made to the requests that you’ve entered after your registration materials are collected!!!! ALL CLASS REQUESTS ARE FINAL. NO ADD/DROP.
REGISTRATION TIPS Thoroughly read the course descriptions for the classes you intend to choose-including where the course is offered in the district. Make sure you’ve met all course prerequisites before registering for a course. Do NOT sign up for a class based on teacher preference or because your BFF signs up. Make sure you are signing up for classes at TVHS, or you have transportation to other sites. All students must be registered for at least 8 classes each semester. Make sure you’ve acquired all teacher signatures as well as your parent’s signature before meeting with your counselor. Registration with your counselor will occur between January 29 and February 2, 2018.
No schedule changes will be made unless you meet one of the following criteria: Student did not meet the prerequisite. 2. Student registered for wrong ability level class. 3. Student failed a prerequisite after registration. An error was made by the school. Administrative decision.
QUESTIONS DON’T FORGET Teacher Signatures (IA) Parent Signature
See your counselor for more specific questions about courses, graduation requirements, and college admissions requirements. DON’T FORGET Teacher Signatures (IA) Parent Signature Complete Registration Form Complete Online Registration Complete Signature page on the back of the registration form. Meet with your counselor and turn in your completed Registration Form beginning February 5th, 2019
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