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KUDos: Do: Understand: Know: Checkpoint Notes (OneSheet)

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1 KUDos: Do: Understand: 9.5.18 Know: Checkpoint Notes (OneSheet)
Colonizing Georgia Understand: SS8H2 Analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s history. Explain the importance of the Charter of 1732 (philanthropy, economics, and defense). Analyze the relationship between James Oglethorpe, Tomochichi, and Mary Musgrove in establishing the city of Savannah at Yamacraw Bluff. Evaluate the role of diverse groups (Jews, Salzburgers, Highland Scots, and Malcontents) Explain the transition of Georgia into a royal colony Give examples of the kinds of goods and services produced and traded in colonial Georgia. Do: Checkpoint Notes (OneSheet) Choose your Adventure KUDos: 9.5.18

2 OneSheet/Activity You will be completing your OneSheet and doing an activity at the same time over the next 2 days. Choose your Adventure… You will choose your answer for each question and write it on the appropriate space in your “Choose your adventure” chart on your OneSheet You will write down how many points you gained or lost for each question You will tally everything at the end. We will see who would survive the colonizing of Georgia!

3 Royal Georgia: Choose your Adventure!
It’s 1732 in England. What occupation would you most likely be? Soldier Prisoner Tailor

4 James Oglethorpe Credited as the founder and first governor of Georgia
This is my good side… Credited as the founder and first governor of Georgia 1722: elected to British Parliament Was instrumental in an effort for British prison reform Had a friend in prison for his inability to pay his debts, died in terrible conditions Oglethorpe wanted to establish a colony for those in debtor’s prison and the worthy poor.

5 Royal Georgia: Choose your Adventure!
It’s 1732 in England. What occupation would you most likely be? Soldier Prisoner Tailor -10 points (The King wants you to stay and protect England.) -20 points (Even though Oglethorpe’s goal was to take you, the King would not allow it.) +10 points (You are helpful, and the first ones to arrive.)

6 Reasons for founding Georgia
Oglethorpe asked King George II to award a charter that would allow a colony to be established south of the Carolinas. *Charter: a written document signed by the king that granted certain rights *Charter of 1732: outlined in detail the reasons for Georgia’s settlement and rules for the colonists. -Example: religious freedom, except Catholics and Jews

7 Royal Georgia: Choose your Adventure!
The King of England ratifies the Charter of What do you promise him you will protect? South Carolina Georgia Florida

8 Reasons for founding Georgia
Defense: The most important reason for founding Georgia *South Carolina was constantly threatened by Spain in Florida. *Georgia’s primary role was to serve as a military buffer between the two.

9 Royal Georgia: Choose your Adventure!
The King of England ratifies the Charter of What do you promise him you will protect? South Carolina Georgia Florida +20 points (This is where the King gets all of his Tobacco.) 0 points (You are protecting Georgia, but that is not what the King cares about.) You are dead. (You just ran into Spanish Conquistadors and you are armed.)

10 Reasons for founding Georgia
Economics: Britain’s economic policy of mercantilism - Mercantilism: to build economic strength, a nation must export more than it imports. - Britain used the raw goods (natural resources) to produce manufactured goods that were sold in European markets and back to the colonies. - The natural resources Georgia was responsible for: W - wine R – rice I - indigo S - silk T - tobacco Differences?

11 Reasons for founding Georgia
Charity: poor and unemployed could apply to travel to the new colony Oglethorpe originally wanted debtors to be released from prison They could pay back debts through working hard for the King No one was ever released from prison to settle in the New World. What vocab word is a synonym for Charity? Philanthropy!!!!!!!!!

12 Bring me all of the fancy things.
Charter of 1732 Bring me all of the fancy things. Officially established Georgia named in honor of King George II. Georgia would be ruled by a group of 21 Trustees for 21 years. After 21 years, rule would revert to the king.

13 Rules of the Charter of 1732 No alcohol or slaves for fear that the colonists would get lazy No liquor dealers, lawyers, or Catholics Required to defend the colony Grow mulberry trees to produce silk Not sell the land

14 Arriving in Georgia Chosen colonists, mostly tradesmen, left England (35 families, 114 people) aboard the ship Anne on November 17, 1732. They arrived in South Carolina on January 13, Oglethorpe searched for a place to settle.

15 Royal Georgia: Choose your Adventure!
You arrive with Oglethorpe in Georgia. Where do you tell him your 114 people should settle? Inland by a river In the middle of the forest At the coast on a cliff

16 The land Oglethorpe chose
He selected a high bluff overlooking the Savannah River. (It was known as Yamacraw Bluff.) The cliff served as protection on one side They also needed water access for trade and arrival of supplies and future families.

17 Royal Georgia: Choose your Adventure!
You arrive with Oglethorpe in Georgia. Where do you tell him your 114 people should settle? Inland by a river In the middle of the forest At the coast on a cliff -20 points. You just tried to build a house in a swamp. You are dead. You just tried to take Indian territory. +20 points. You are protected and near water!

18 Royal Georgia: Choose your Adventure!
As you start to build the Savannah settlement, Indians start to approach your farm. What do you do? Fire a warning shot in the air to scare them away Welcome them with open arms Run away screaming

19 The land Oglethorpe chose
He met the Yamacraw Indians and their chief Tomochichi. Mary Musgrove acted as an interpreter between Oglethorpe and Tomochichi. Her contributions were critical to the founding of Savannah and Georgia. Tomochichi and Oglethorpe became friends and established peaceful relationships with the Creeks and other tribes. In February 1733, Oglethorpe and the colonists cleared land and founded the new city of Savannah.

20 Royal Georgia: Choose your Adventure!
As you start to build the Savannah settlement, Indians start to approach your farm. What do you do? Fire a warning shot in the air to scare them away Welcome them with open arms Run away screaming You are dead. They took that as a sign of aggression. +30 You need their help and trade in order to survive. -10 You look crazy and now they want nothing to do with you

21 Trustee Period Trustee Period Trustees governed Georgia from 1733 to 1752. Several ethnic groups wanted to settle in Georgia. Remember: Catholics and Jews were not allowed in the colony per the Charter of 1732 Jews, Protestants, Scotish Others were slowly turning against the Trustees and the colony.

22 Royal Georgia: Choose your Adventure!
One settled, several different groups of people start trying to move into your settlement. Allow them in, the more the merrier. Turn them away, who knows what they want. Run away screaming

23 Jews in GA In July 1733, a group of Jewish immigrants arrived.
Dr. Sam Nunes arrived on a boat Colonists (including their only doctor) were dying of Yellow Fever Oglethorpe welcomed them with open arms even though it was against the King’s orders.

24 Salzburgers in GA In 1734, a group known as Salzburgers arrived in search of religious freedom and a hope to begin a silk industry. They were Austrian Lutherans. They founded a settlement Ebenezer. Ebenezer's lumber became a valuable commodity. Widows and orphans operated the first silk production in Georgia. They were extremely hard workers and Oglethorpe liked them.

25 Don’t be a Malcontents! They thought the rules kept the colony from being prosperous. The dissenters became known as malcontents. They complained about: the limits placed on buying and selling land the right to buy alcohol the ban on slavery Economics won out! By 1750, slavery was legal, land could be bought and sold, and liquor could be produced and sold.

26 Scotish in GA Oglethorpe brought over the Highland Scots
Known for being some of the best soldiers in the world Oglethorpe wanted protection from the Spanish in Florida They fought bravely in the Battle at Bloody Marsh.

27 Royal Georgia: Choose your Adventure!
One settled, several different groups of people start trying to move into your settlement. Allow them in, the more the merrier. Turn them away, who knows what they want. Run away screaming +30 You need more people to help build/trade/protect. You are dead. You needed all the help you can get. -30 You look crazy and they leave thinking you have a weird illness.

28 Quick Check! Who wanted to establish a colony for debtors and became the first leader of Georgia? Why did the British want to establish the colony of Georgia? What was the name of the first settlement by British settlers in Georgia? Who were Mary Musgrove and Tomochichi? What role did they play in the founding of Georgia? What did the Jews contribute to Georgia? Did the Malcontents accomplish their goal?

29 Royal Georgia: Choose your Adventure!
The Charter of 1732 is about to expire. Who is going to run the colony now? No one. We don’t need a ruler. Just have the Trustees make a new charter. The King, because money and stuff.

30 Change in Government Georgia became a Royal Colony when the Trustee Period ended in 1752. Definition: Royal Colony – Colony overseen by the crown of England.

31 Change in Government The British Parliament had to pass a charter in order for Georgia to become an official Royal Colony. This process took two years. Georgia would not get its first official royal governor until 1754. The government of Georgia would change drastically as the people, under the leadership of the Royal Governors, would have to learn to govern themselves.

32 Royal Georgia: Choose your Adventure!
The Charter of 1732 is about to expire. Who is going to run the colony now? No one. We don’t need a ruler. Just have the Trustees make a new charter. The King, because money and stuff. You are very dead. Chaos everywhere. Murder everywhere. -30 That didn’t work out best the first time. (malcontents) +10 Right now, that’s the best option we have. We need $ and protection from other countries.

33 Land Ownership… Trustee Land Ownership:
Through “charity” 50 acres of land max Colonists purchase 500 acres max Men only Royal Land Ownership: Anyone could purchase more land, no max Permission to use slaves Women could inherit land

34 Slavery Slavery was not allowed by Oglethorpe and the Trustees
Royal Colony: Wealthy colonists who could afford to buy enslaved people demanded to be allowed to bring them to Georgia. Many farmers believed that in order to compete with neighboring states (like South Carolina) they had to be allowed to own slaves. Between 1750 and 1775, the number of Africans living in slavery increased from 500 to 18,000. These slaves had no rights, were not allowed to marry, were not allowed to live where they wanted, and were not allowed to learn to read or write. Slaves who broke these rules were punished, including beatings, whippings, separation from friends and family, and even death.



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