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Contract Compliance Assessment Visit

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1 Contract Compliance Assessment Visit
Solihull, Birmingham and Black Country Area Team

2 Introduction Purpose of Visit Structure of Visit Frequency of Visits
Criteria Practice Notification Post Visit BSBC AT | Presentation to LMC’s | January 2014

3 Purpose of Visit NHS England are required to ensure the contractual compliance of all individual GP practices that fall under its governance. The Area Team (AT) will preside over this process more specifically in pursuant to paragraphs 125 (Compliance with legislation and guidance) and 77 (Provision of information) of the National Health Service Regulations which came into force on 1st March It is intended that this process will maintain high trust, fairness and equitability BSBC AT | Presentation to LMC’s | January 2014

4 Structure of Visit Visits will cover the three Contract types
Team from Contracting Department – may also include clinician Three to Four hours duration Members of practice team to be available PMS/APMS KPI’s and Objectives Post Payment Verification Directed Enhanced Services BSBC AT | Presentation to LMC’s | January 2014

5 Frequency of Visits Beginning April 2014 Three year rolling programme
31st March 2017 all practices at least one assessment visit BSBC AT | Presentation to LMC’s | January 2014

6 Criteria For Selection
Targeted The practices will be identified as requiring a contract compliance visit due to: Primary Care Tool (mainly proven outliers) Informed Local intelligence (complaints, NHS choices etc.); Information coming in from our external and internal stakeholders (or a combination of both); CQC – where the Inspection Report raises issues of non-compliance; Random Approximately 30% of practices per CCG annually BSBC AT | Presentation to LMC’s | January 2014

7 Information To Support Visits
BSBC AT | Presentation to LMC’s | January 2014

8 Practice Notification
Once a practice has been nominated for a visit the following will be arranged: Practice notified of the purpose and structure of the visit: Four weeks maximum Two weeks minimum Notify which member(s) of the AT will be visiting Share the template BSBC AT | Presentation to LMC’s | January 2014

9 Outcome No concerns or issues
Report and feedback will be ed to PM and lead GP Minor Concerns and Issues Amendments to policies, missing information etc Action plan discussed and evidence to be submitted in 28 days Major Concerns Immediate action – service decommissioned Report to AT Committee Inform other stakeholders BSBC AT | Presentation to LMC’s | January 2014

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