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How to do hypnosis when you're not doing hypnosis.

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1 How to do hypnosis when you're not doing hypnosis.
Awake Communication How to do hypnosis when you're not doing hypnosis. Dr Gill Hood March 2017


3 Awake Communication The LAURS of communication Listen Accept Utilize
Reframe Suggest

4 The LLAURS of communication
Awake Communication The LLAURS of communication (Welsh version) Listen Look Accept Utilize Reframe Suggest

5 Awake Communication Don’t need to be formally hypnotised to be amenable to suggestion. Basis of sales and marketing techniques for centuries.











16 Awake Communication Trance state is on a continuum with normal waking consciousness Don’t have to formally use hypnosis for hypnosis to occur Patients/clients often already in “trance” therefore more suggestible

17 Awake Communication Operating at sub-conscious level
Children function at more subconscious level Negative communications more difficult and take longer to process in the subconscious usually have to create image/thought before getting rid of it.


19 Positive Suggestion Therapeutic communications that elicit useful subconscious responses “the local anaesthetic will numb the skin so putting in the drip will be comfortable for you”

20 Negative Suggestion Communications that are given with the best of intentions but inadvertently produce unwanted symptoms or behaviours such as pain and/or anxiety

21 Negative Suggestion “This is going to hurt”

22 Negative suggestions “This is going to hurt”
“this is not going to hurt”

23 Negative suggestions “This is going to hurt”
“this is not going to hurt” “there is nothing to worry about”

24 Negative suggestions “This is going to hurt”
“this is not going to hurt” “there is nothing to worry about” “there’s nothing to be scared of” “don’t panic”


26 Language Examples Say: “keep still” rather than “don’t move”

27 Language Examples Say: “keep still” rather than “don’t move”
Say: “look up” rather than “don’t look down”


29 Language Examples Say: “keep still” rather than “don’t move”
Say: “look up” rather than “don’t look down” if the response to what you do is very variable use neutral language rather than “warning” e.g. “I’m going to put the drip/cannula in the arm now” rather than “sting” or “sharp scratch coming”

30 Utilization Milton Erickson – the king of indirect suggestions and modern conversational hypnosis NLP Use the patients’ likes and desires as a motivator for positive outcomes “Discover their patterns of happiness.” (ME) Used in formal hypnosis and equally useful in the awake state.

31 Utilization Planning History & Rapport building (Listen & Look)
Discuss myths and misconceptions (Accept) Use likes, dislikes, fears (Utilize) Answer questions (Reframe and Suggest)

32 Utilization Use the patient’s language/phrases as the basis for reframes Accept and avoid arguing Use their likes/interests “you like wine?” – “this will feel like a couple of glasses of excellent red!”

33 Reframe

34 Reframe Reinterpretation of a situation or event based on the same concrete facts Not to be confused with “alternative facts”! Frame or express (words or a concept or plan) differently Look at the subject from a different viewpoint Change the negative to the positive Turn lemons into lemonade Examples :

35 Reframe but be careful Important to validate experiences and avoid flippancy e.g. very inappropriate to tell the double amputee “at least you won’t have to buy any more shoes”! There is some evidence that reframes may have much smaller impact and possibly negative impact on severely depressed

36 Adding Certainty “How do you take your tea?”
“What are you going to do when your eyes are better after your cataract operation?” “Who’s taking you home later?”

37 Adding Doubt/ Fear “We’re just going to check your ID band one last time”

38 Adding Doubt/ Fear “We’re just going to check your ID band one last time” Might as well say: “Are your affairs in order?”

39 Sabotage Well-meaning unintentional interventions from colleagues / relatives Can undo all those hard-earned positive communications Good communication with colleagues / relatives prior to event can help avoid this

40 Sabotage Sabotage can be reversed. e.g. “this is the anaesthetist who will put you to sleep”…………

41 Sabotage

42 Sabotage Sabotage can be reversed. e.g. “this is the anaesthetist who will put you to sleep” add: “and keep you comfortable - and safely wake you up after the operation!”

43 Perception of Control Transfer control Utilize Reframe
Get permission (yes set) at each stage of the process/ discussion

44 Perception of control “ I hate the feeling of loss of control when I go under anaesthetic”

45 Perception of Control “You're really in a lot more control than you might think. Your age , fitness, type of operation will dictate to me what type and dose of anaesthetic you will need. Even while you're asleep your heart rate, blood pressure etc. will be controlling how much I give you to keep you safe and comfortable throughout and after your operation”

46 Reframe Practice The vet’s bill is going to be over $2000
I’ve slept in and will be late for work The sausages on the barbeque got burnt This traffic queue is so long. All of the above are classified as FWPs

47 Thank you

48 Rapid relaxation techniques
Finger lock Heavy eyelids Upper limb heaviness / numbness Uncooked to cooked spaghetti

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