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Presentation on theme: "Supply."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supply

2 Introduction Amount offered for sale at given price
Price and Point of Time Direct relationship between supply and price Stock and Supply The terms stock implies a fixed quantity while the term supply implies that amount offered can be increased or decreased Supply refers to that part of stock which is actually offered for sale at given price in the market at given time

3 The Law of Supply Functional relationship between price and the quantity offered for sale The law of supply states that, other things remaining the constant, higher the price the greater will be the willingness of sellers to make a product available

4 Supply Schedule

5 Market Supply Curve

6 Factors Determining The Supply of a Commodity
Objective of the firm State of Technology Political Disturbance Government Policy Future Price Expectations Industrial Peace Natural Factors Price of Factors of Production Price of Good which is to be supplied Price of other goods Number of firms or sellers The Entry of New Firms Discovery of New Raw Materials Development of Transportation Business Combinations

7 Exceptions of the Law of Supply
Expectations of a fall in price Sellers who are in need of cash When leaving the industry Agriculture output Backward Sloping supply curve of labour

8 Extension and Contraction of Supply

9 Increase and Decrease in Supply


11 Demand Supply Equilibrium
Equilibrium Price Equilibrium Quantity Market Equilibrium Demand = Supply

12 Changes in Demand and Supply

13 Perishable Commodities

14 Demand and Supply of Consumer Durables

15 Durable Commodities : Reservation Price
Durability of the Commodity Future Price Liquidity Preference Storage Expenses Future Demand Future Cost of Production Time for New Supply Past Cost

16 Short Run and Long Run Price Determination

17 Thanks

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