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Transitional Interim Pastor

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Presentation on theme: "Transitional Interim Pastor"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transitional Interim Pastor
Pastor Leaves Leading a church from Anxiety to Anticipation Interim Decision Know Your Church Know Your Community Know the Plan Know God Know the Path New Pastor Assessment Renewal Planning Anxiety Anticipation Transitional Interim Pastor Implementation

2 Building TIPS Leader Credibility
Positional Expertise Relational Spiritual

3 TIPS Leader Credibility
Positional You have some influence with persons because of your position as a TIPS leader. Keys Positional credibility can create an opportunity for positive influence. But you cannot rely on positional credibility alone to sustain healthy TIPS relationships. As TIPS leaders, we must be perceived as helpful, trustworthy, competent and caring.

4 TIPS Leader Credibility
Expertise You are recognized for your knowledge and experience as a TIPS leader. Keys Church leaders with both expertise and knowledge are always in high demand. But even your knowledge and expertise may not give you the credibility you will need to create lasting change within a TIPS church.

5 TIPS Leader Credibility
Relational You take the time necessary to develop personal relationships of trust with key people in the TIPS church. Keys Relational credibility is not required in all individual situations in order to be helpful. But it is critical for effective TIPS Leaders that as you lead toward change, you also work to establish relational credibility with key church leaders.

6 TIPS Leader Credibility
Spiritual You are recognized for your wisdom & spiritual discernment by people in the TIPS church. Keys Spiritual credibility rises greatly when you use the Bible, prayer, give people a word from God, etc. The development and use of spiritual leadership and disciplines are critical here in the building of TIPS Leader credibility.

7 TIPS Leader Credibility
Building Your Credibility Effective TIPS Leaders recognize and keep working on developing these critical areas. Keys You will always begin with one or two means of credibility with people in the TIPS church. Effective TIPS leaders maximize their potential by shifting to “four wheel drive!”

8 TIPS Leader Credibility
Positional Expertise Relational Spiritual

9 Think about it… Which base of credibility do you use the most?
Which one do you want or need to strengthen? What is one thing that you can do to grow in that area?

10 Great TIPS leadership isn’t just the art of giving good answers
Great TIPS leadership isn’t just the art of giving good answers. It’s the art of asking good questions.

11 Luke 2:46-47 “After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. 47 Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers.”

12 TIPS Local Team Thinking…
G. R. O. W. Questions What is the Goal… What is the Reality… What Options do we have… What Will we do, next steps…


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