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Presented by: Mr. Russell Nari, Deputy Director

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1 Environmental Impact Assessment- An Environmental Tool to Achieve Sustainable development
Presented by: Mr. Russell Nari, Deputy Director Miss. Catherine. Malosu, EIA Officer

2 Global Challenges for Vanuatu
Small island nation with limited natural resources Small economy scale-subsistence orientated Isolated-high transportation costs Challenges of Globalization and liberisation

3 National Challenges for Vanuatu- Pre and Post Independence
Clear understanding and control of the global challenges State of confusion, from national government to community policies and ideologies Interpretation of development from a Ni-Vanuatu perspective.

4 Establishment of the Environmental Management and Conservation Act No
Establishment of the Environmental Management and Conservation Act No. 12 of 2002 Process of establishing the Environmental Management and Conservation Act No. 12 of 2002 (EMC Act) took 7 years, since 1995 Consultation with relevant stakeholders from National Government, Non-government Organizations and Private Sector Passed through parliament in December 2002 and received anonymous vote. Gazzetted in March

5 Purpose of the EMC Act The Environmental Management and Conservation Act No. 12 of 2002 (EMC Act) are laws designed to protect, conserve, develop and manage the environment of Vanuatu for all peoples. Provides a framework consisting of guidelines and procedures to assess and manage potential risks. Mandates the development of stand alone regulations to enforce the protection and conservation of the environment

6 Scope of the EMC Act Environment Impact Assessment Bioprospecting
Community Conservation Areas

7 Environmental Impact Assessment Process
Refer to EIA Legislation An application for any project, proposal or development activity not exempted by section 13, is received Inform VEU of decision within 10 days EIA is not required due to exemption EIA NOT REQUIRED no conditions apply Preliminary Environment Assessment Development Proceeds EIA NOT REQUIRED conditions apply Monitoring of conditions EIA IS REQUIRED Refer application to VEU VEU Director can Directly requests a PEA Project Completion If more than one government agency, VEU will decide lead agency to conduct PEA Continued

8 Environmental Assessment Process continued….
VEU registers the particulars of the project in the Environmental Registry VEU consults with stakeholders Custom landowners, chiefs and other interested parties Consultation with project proponent to establishes TOR 2. Refers the application back to VEU for further assessment, unless it is a government project VEU establishes Terms of Reference (TOR) Proponent publishes public notice of development inviting written submissions-still a proposed thought VEU refers TOR to project proponent 30 days to respond to written comments by project proponent 1. Application Accepted with or without terms VEU conducts review of EIA and makes a recommendation on the project to the Minister EIA conducted Minister considers recommendations and makes a decision 3. Application rejected

9 EIA Applications to Date
General Tourism Developments, particularly along the coastline- 8 Forestry operations- 1 Mine Prospecting- 2 Hydropower - 2 Industry-Wharf, roads, airstrip- 11 Residential subdivision-Applying Strata Title - 8 Fresh Water Fisheries - 1 ….this is still increasing!…

10 Sarakata HydroPower Project

11 Reclamation- Le Lagoon Foreshore

12 Introduced Freshwater Fisheries

13 The Grand Hotel

14 Emua Jetty

15 Kakula Island Resort

16 Residential Foreshore Development along No. 2 Lagoon

17 Issues and challenges of the enforcement of EIA Legislation
General understanding for the importance of EIA process- What? Why? Developments that have commenced prior to the gazzetting of the EMC Act Money Vs Time Monitoring Human resource capacity for full and effective enforcement Claim of land owners and custom owners rights to develop on the land

18 Lessons Learnt from EIA process
Perceived as a response to a need to resolve and control the rate of development (EMC Act) Education, awareness and establishing standards Gain of appreciation from developers to be environmental conscious-both in design and planning of their respective developments, proposals or projects

19 Using EIA as a tool to achieve Sustainable Development
Monitoring and controlling the rate of natural resource utilisation for development. Consultative and transparent process to allow informed decision making on whether or not a development or investment should proceed. Full appreciation of preservation of natural heritage being the attractant to investment within and abroad.

20 Using EIA as a tool to achieve Sustainable Development [Cont’d]
EIA process and procedures integrated into respective government sector policies to give full effect of the EMC Act and influence decision-making within the EIA process for ANY development projects.

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