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Worldwide Trends in New Media

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2 Worldwide Trends in New Media
Digital Media landscape in 2019

3 It’s big, It’s getting much bigger!

4 Global Monthly Mobile Data Consumption
(Exabyte) Smartphone devices across the globe grew at a CAGR of 17% as compared to 9.5% growth in all mobile devices.

5 From digital marketing to multichannel to omnichannel marketing
Omnichannel is viewing the experience through the eyes of your customer, orchestrating the customer experience across all channels so that it is seamless, integrated, and consistent.

6 Internet Will Catch Up To Television!
People will spend 2.6 hours a day online and 2.7 hours a day watching the tube in 2019. 45 minutes of an average person’s internet time will be spent watching mobile video. Companies will therefore spend less money on television ads and more money on web video, social media, and web ads

7 Video Will Keep Growing, Too
54% of internet users already watch video on a social media platform 45% of live audiences would pay to see a favorite athlete, team, or performer on an online stream.

8 Augmented reality is a Reality!
Augmented Reality Is Creating a New Target Market on Social Media AR works effectively in that it blurs the line between an imagined world and the reality Please show this:

9 And a new term - Ephemeral content
Ephemeral content is novel, and hence appealing for many (especially younger) users. Ephemeral content is something that is short-lived, lasting for up to 24 hours before  disappearing forever Temporary content that takes advantage of the Fear of missing out (FOMO) - If business starts to regularly share ephemeral content, users will make sure to check back frequently to make sure they aren’t missing out on anything

10 Voice Search Is On The Rise
One third of the 3.5 billion searches performed on Google every day are voice searches. ComScore estimates, that by 2020, half of all search queries will be voice-based.

11 Chatbots are taking over!
Pizza Hut taking orders via chatbots. Nothing can replace the personal touch of a human response. But chatbots out there right now are certainly on the right track - cost-effective alternative to paying real customer support representatives and training them. It’s estimated that chatbots are going to save businesses in the healthcare and banking industries a whopping 8 billion dollars per year by the year 2022

12 But Digital Promotions are not only for B2C
Digital media is not just a playground for B2C companies, in the last two years, it has made a visible breakthrough in the B2C segment

13 Social messaging to benefit brands
Social messaging will benefit businesses as people: Like to receive personalized messages from businesses People would rather message than call a brand

14 How is IoT affecting Businesses
Big data, autonomous cars, eSIMs, IoT based on blockchain will drive 2019 trends. Vehicles, wearable gadgets, RFID sensors and software are advancing past basic function and the network is growing to include even more advancements each day.

15 How are companies using AI

16 And how is Big Data Becoming Important

17 Steel Industry in the 4.0 environment


19 Here’s how industry is coming of age
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