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What is a social contract and what is the purpose of creating one?

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Presentation on theme: "What is a social contract and what is the purpose of creating one?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a social contract and what is the purpose of creating one?

2 Definition of Government
Institution used to enforce public policies Public policies are anything a government decides to do Government Power Governments must have power to enforce public policy Typically, governments exercise three powers: Legislative Power (power to make laws) Executive Power (power to enforce laws) Judicial (power to determine meaning of laws and settle disputes of laws) U.S. Capitol Building - a symbol of the U.S. Government

3 The U.S., and any other country, is an example of a state
The State Governments are parts of states A state has: A body of people A defined territory An organized political unit (a government) Sovereignty – absolute power within its own borders to determine domestic and foreign policy In popular terms, a state can be thought of as a “country” The U.S., and any other country, is an example of a state

4 Government Origins Theories
Force Theory – American Colonists ruling over Native Americans Force Theory Governments formed as a result of a person or group of people using coercion to force others under their rule. Evolutionary Theory Governments evolved from family structures. The family became a group of families, which then became a tribe. Divine Right Theory Governments formed as a result of God giving ”royalty” the right to rule. Leading practice in West from 15th to 18th centuries. Evolutionary Theory – Native American Tribe formed from smaller families Divine Right Theory – Egyptian Pharaoh being given power from a god

5 Social Contract Theory
Philosophers began to question Divine Right Theory in 17th Century John Locke English philosopher Publishes two treatises (essays) in 1690 Second treatise proposes Social Contract Theory Social Contract Theory redefined people’s understanding of governments John Locke

6 What is a social contract and what is the purpose of creating one?

7 Social Contract and the Purpose of Government
Social Contract defined as: People agree with one another to create a state People agree to give up power and freedom in return for safety and security According to Social Contract Theory, the purpose of government is: Establish justice through law Insure domestic peace/tranquility through law Provide common defense Promote citizen welfare Secure freedom Social Contract Theory in a Nutshell

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