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Class of 2020 College Process

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1 Class of 2020 College Process
Spring 2019 Timeline College Night Wednesday, January 16th

2 Agenda College Advising at MBHS Finding the “Right Fit”
Spring 2019 College Process Timeline Q & A

3 College Advising at MBHS
Student-Centered College Office support Parent support Student-Centered: Student responsible for each piece of process: 1) meeting with me, coming w q’s 2) managing process and being organized 3) realistic/balanced list of colleges 4) read all info from me and complete all work 5) fully complete apps, all parts, aware of deadlines etc 6) keep me up to date with plans and outcomes of apps College Office: 1) advisory workshops 2) collaboration on list of colleges based on student performance and preference 3) honest school recommendation on each student, focusing on strengths and growth 4) appropriate support for apps and essays 5) advocating for all MBHS students in college process 6) serving as resource for students Parent: 1) must take supportive not central role in process 2) encourage growth, indep, authenticity 3) listen carefully 4) understand student app must be his own and responsible for submitting own apps 5) be honest about financial concerns—develop strategy together 6) help child reflect on strengths and weaknesses 7) support child through disappointments and successes

4 College is a match to be made, not a prize to be won.
Speak about “right fit” colleges for each student. Segue into next slide.

5 Who is your College Advisor?
Advisories working with Ms. Mott: Budhraja Graham Hamilton Middleton Preissel Advisories working with Ms. Gibbons: Burd Greenman Haiber Hines Smith

6 January: Important Dates
Wednesday, Jan. 16th: College Night at MBHS (thank you for coming!) Thursday, Jan. 17th: College Prep Town Hall for juniors Friday, Jan. 18th: College Panel during Career Day (NYU, Barnard, SUNY Binghamton, SUNY Stony Brook, SUNY Oswego) Jan. 21nd-Jan. 25th : Regents Week

7 January What students are doing What parents can be doing
Working hard in classes Signing up for SAT or ACT prep (if interested) Studying for and taking Regents Support students in accomplishing goals listed at left Discuss your family’s college goals (dreams/concerns) to help guide your child in further college research Sign up for official college meeting with Ms. Mott & Ms. Gibbons (link will be sent via )

8 February: Important Dates
Saturday, Feb. 2nd: Kaplan ACT and SAT prep courses begin at MBHS Feb. 18th-22nd: Midwinter Recess

9 February What students are doing: What parents can be doing:
Advisory Workshops: College Research Naviance Resumes Working hard in classes SAT or ACT prep Thinking ahead: Internships, summer jobs, summer programs Visit college(s) over break Support students in accomplishing goals listed at left Discuss summer plans Visit colleges over break (near or far) Info about campus tours/info sessions found on college websites Official Junior College Meeting

10 March: Important Dates
March 21st: Financial Aid Night at MBHS (hosted by Michael Turner from HESC) Wednesday, March 27th: SAT School Day *All juniors will be sitting for the SAT during school hours. They do not need to pre-register for the exam.

11 March What students are doing: What parents can be doing:
Advisory Workshops: College Research Balanced Lists Interviews CUNYs, SUNYs and private or out-of-state colleges Working hard in classes Checking in with us informally SAT or ACT prep Taking the SAT in school on March 27th Support students in accomplishing goals listed at left Official Junior College Meeting Attend Financial Aid Night on March 21st

12 April: Important Dates
Sunday, April 7th: New York National College Fair at Javits Center (12-4pm) April 19-28: Spring Break

13 April What students are doing What parents can be doing
Advisory Workshops: College Research Cont’d Teacher Recommendations College Essays Working hard in classes Taking ACT (if test of choice) Finalizing summer plans Visiting colleges during spring break Support students in accomplishing goals listed at left Finalize summer plans Visit colleges over break (near or far). All info on college websites

14 May: Important Dates Friday, May 3rd: College Visit with Advisory
Sunday, May 19th: Colleges That Change Lives Fair and Info Session at The New York Hilton Midtown

15 May What students are doing What parents can BE doing
Advisory Workshops Common Application College Essays Working College List Balanced Drafting one college essay Working hard in classes Taking an AP exam (if in an AP course) Thinking about which teachers they will ask to write recommendations Visiting a college through MBHS trip Support students in accomplishing goals listed at left If taking SAT IIs, make sure your child is registered for exam Talk about the college your child visited on MBHS trip: what she liked/disliked etc. Encourage students to attend CTCL college fair on May 19th

16 June: Important Dates Monday, June 17th: College Essay draft due to Ms. Gibbons & Ms. Mott *This is the only time College Advisors can guarantee specific feedback on college essays. Essays will be returned to students in the Fall Wednesday, June 26th: Last day of school

17 June What students are doing What parents can be doing
Advisory Workshops College essays Planning for college visits over summer What to do before 12th grade Working hard in classes Studying for and taking Regents exams Handing in college essay to Ms. Gibbons/Ms. Mott Support students in accomplishing goals listed at left Discuss summer plans

18 Summertime What students are doing What parents can BE DOING
Visiting as many colleges on college list as possible Committing themselves to their summer internship, job or program Starting to prep for the SAT or ACT (to take a 2nd or 3rd time in fall) Revising college lists as they visit schools and continue to research Support students in accomplishing goals listed at left Help plan college visits

19 SAT: Dates and Registration
TEST DATE Registration deadline No Registration required April 5, 2019 May 3, 2019 March 27, 2019 May 4, 2019 June 1, 2019 ANTICIPATED DATES: August 24, 2019 October 5, 2019 November 2, 2019 December 7, 2019

20 ACT: Dates and Registration
Test Date April 13, 2019 June 8, 2019 September 14, 2019 October 26, 2019 December 14, 2019 Registration Deadline March 8, 2019 May 3, 2019 Not yet posted

21 College Visit 1-2-3’s Go on college’s website and read section on visiting campus Register for campus tour and info session (not all colleges require registration) Call admissions offices to inquire about overnight visits Sign up for interview on campus (if offered) Continue to be in contact with colleges of interest ( , call, thank you letter, etc.)

22 Resources on MBHS Website: Under the College tab  COLLEGE Information and registration for College Now Classes MBHS College acceptances: Classes of Tips on visiting campuses Link to the Common Application Financial Aid & scholarship information Link to Naviance MBHS School Profile Information on SAT, ACT and Test-Optional colleges

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