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Life After the Fall of Rome

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1 Life After the Fall of Rome
The Early Middle Ages Life After the Fall of Rome E. Napp

2 The fall of Rome brought many important changes to Western Europe.
E. Napp

3 Effects of the Fall of Rome
Germanic tribes took over Roman lands. Hundreds of little kingdoms took the place of the Western Roman Empire in Europe. Initially, there was no system for collecting taxes. Kingdoms were always at war with one another. People lost interest in learning. E. Napp

4 The “Dark Ages” Historians call the period following the fall of Rome the “Dark Ages.” Formerly, this period is known as the beginning of Early Middle Ages. It was a time of increased warfare, decreased trade, and a decline in learning. E. Napp

5 Clovis was an important king of the Franks. The Franks were one of the
largest Germanic tribes. E. Napp

6 Clovis and the Franks In A.D. 481, Clovis united the Franks and became their king. Clovis converted to the Roman Catholic faith. Essentially, the Franks blended Germanic and Roman cultural practices. E. Napp

7 Who Were the Franks? Primary Source Accounts
Read the Primary Sources on Page 21 The first is by a roman The second is be a Frank Paraphrase each account in as few words as possible Is each account a positive or negative description of the Franks? E. Napp

8 The Laws of the Franks Complete the handout provided using page 22
Determining what laws were in place and the punishments that fit What punishment do you think is fair? In real life, what do you think the punishment might be? E. Napp

9 Examining Statistics Use the info from page 24 to answer the following questions: What do you notice about life expectancy and gender? Answer #1b on pg 24 Using these statistics explain how the Franks were similar or different from us modern day Canadians? E. Napp

10 Life as a Frank Complete the writing assignment provided
This will be due in two classes E. Napp

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