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Fei Huang Prof. Soon Chun ISI490 Spring 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Fei Huang Prof. Soon Chun ISI490 Spring 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fei Huang Prof. Soon Chun ISI490 Spring 2018
Loving Seniors Project Fei Huang Prof. Soon Chun ISI490 Spring 2018

2 SYSTEM REQUEST Project stakeholder:
New York City Department for the Aging, Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders, New York Foundation for Senior Citizens, local animal welfare organizations, Seniors.

3 SYSTEM REQUEST Business Need:
A lot of Seniors are lack of friendship, love and spiritual life, this might be the reason why pet shop and pet hospital are getting more customers, and our business need is to meet the needs of these people on the spiritual level.

4 SYSTEM REQUEST Business Requirements: Sponsors. Programmers.
Our own independent database.  Web application.

5 SYSTEM REQUEST Business Value:
To helping New York’s seniors enjoy healthier, safer, and dignified lives in their golden years.  To create a strong and warm community for elder people. Decrease in health spending for both hospitals and seniors.

6 SYSTEM REQUEST Special Issues or Constraints: Privacy issues.
Privacy issues. Some people are lack access to transportation due to disability. Sexual harassment issues. Only those people who are over 65 years old will be considered as senior.

7 Functional & Non-Functional Requirements
Create profile Search Rate Add Events Sign up Evens Non-Functional Requirements Security and Encryption to protect information The Application must run on both Windows and Apple machine The system must respond in less than two seconds

Development Costs Operational Costs Servers Development labor Software licenses Server software Hardware Software Operational labor Intangible Benefits Tangible Benefits Improved Social Skill More friendly environment Increased government funding Decrease in health spending advertisement revenue



11 System Analysis and Infrastructure Setup
PERT CHART System Analysis and Infrastructure Setup 11 18 29 Implementation 79 1 80 System Planning 11 Design 29 17 46 Testing 69 10 79 Development 11 35 46

Find Partner Create Profile Rate Partner Sign Up Events Senior User Create Events DFTA Staff Manage user Profile Administrator

13 USE CASES Use Case Name: Create Profile ID: Cf-01 Priority: High
Actor : Senior Citizen Description: The person creates his or her personal profile Trigger: A Senior needs to join the site Type: External Temporal Preconditions: The actor is connected to internet using a compatible Internet browser Normal Course: The senior visits the website The senior starts the profile creation session The senior is guided by the system to fill in required information The system prompts that account created The session closes Exception: The System rejects to create an account for user (The input of the age from user does not meet the requirement) The System fails to create a profile for user (The system informs the actor) Post-conditions: The new account is created

14 USE CASES Use Case Name: Search User ID: Sf-01 Priority: High
Actor : Senior Citizen Description: The user searches another user Trigger: An user needs to find his or her partner Type: External Temporal Preconditions: The senior is a registered user Normal Course: The senior logs into the website The system authenticates the user and starts a session The user chooses to search other people The actor is guided by the system to fill in required information The system returns the results Exception: The system fails to authenticate the user (The system doesn’t allow the user to proceed) The system fails to search user profile (The system informs the actor) Post-conditions: The search result is displayed

15 USE CASES Use Case Name: Rate User ID: Rf-01 Priority: High
Actor : Senior Citizen Description: The user gives a rating to another user Trigger: An user needs to rate his or her partner Type: External Temporal Preconditions: The user is has already dated with his or her partner Normal Course: The user logs into the website The user starts the rating system The user gives his or her rating to the partner The system acknowledges that rating received Exception: The System fails to lunch the rating system (Partner’s account is banned or removed ) The System fails to retrieve the data from the another user (The system informs the user) Post-conditions: The new rating is given

16 USE CASES Use Case Name: Add Events ID: OA-01 Priority: High
Actor : DFTA Staff Description: The DFTA Staff adds an event Trigger: A DFTA Staff needs to add an event for senior users Type: External Temporal Preconditions: The DFTA staff is a authorized user Normal Course: The user logs into the system The system authenticates the user and starts a session The user chooses to add an event The user is guided by the system to fill in required information to add an event The system acknowledges that event added The user leaves the system Exception: The System fails to authenticate the user (The system doesn’t allow the actor to proceed) The System fails to add an event (The system informs the user) Post-conditions: The new event is added

17 USE CASES Use Case Name: Sign Up Events ID: OS-01 Priority: High
Actor : Senior Citizen Description: The user sign up an event Trigger: A Senior citizen needs to sign up an event Type: External Temporal Preconditions: The senior citizen is a authorized user Normal Course: The user logs into the system The system authenticates the user and starts a session The user chooses to sign up an event The user is guided by the system to fill in required information to sign up an event The system acknowledges that the user is enrolled The user leaves the system Exception: The System fails to authenticate the user (The system doesn’t allow the actor to proceed) The System fails to add an event (The system informs the user) Post-conditions: The user is enrolled

18 CONTEXT DIAGRAM DFTA Senior Loving Seniors Administrator
Request Information Request Information Loving Seniors Get Information Get Information Manage Data Request Data Administrator

19 DFD DIAGRAM LEVEL 0 1.0 Administrator Seniors Registration 2.0 Log-in
Create Profile Stores data Gets data Manage content 2.0 Login Log-in Gets data D1 Senior profiles Gets data 3.0 Search Stores data Request info Gets data Gets data D2 NYC activities 4.0 Stores data Manage content Rate Submit rating Gets data Stores data 5.0 DFTA Add Events Submit Event

20 Display confirmation Message
DFD DIAGRAM LEVEL 1 Seniors 1.1 verify availability Input User ID Gets data Approve Reject D1 Senior profiles 1.2 Stores data Input profile Info Register Registration 1.3 Display confirmation Message Confirm Registration

21 DFD DIAGRAM LEVEL 1 2.1 Seniors Enter Login Detail Senior profiles 2.2
Input ID/PASSWORD Gets data Approve Reject D1 Senior profiles 2.2 Display Successful / error message Verify Access 2.3 Display welcome message Welcome Screen

22 Successful / no match message
DFD DIAGRAM LEVEL 1 Seniors 3.1 Search people Gets data Request user info D1 Senior profiles Like Dislike 3.2 Display Successful / no match message match

23 DFD DIAGRAM LEVEL 1 4.1 Get user Senior profiles Seniors 4.2 Rate it
Gets data Request user info D1 Senior profiles Stores data 4.2 Submit rating score Rate it 4.3 Display confirmation message Confirm Gets data

24 DFD DIAGRAM LEVEL 1 Cancel Event 5.1 DFTA Add Event 5.2 NYC activities
Input Information Stores data 5.2 Gets data Update Event D2 NYC activities Edit Information Stores data Stores data Delete Information 5.2 Cancel Event



27 Demo---Home Page

28 Demo---Registration

29 Demo---BackEnd database

30 Demo---Sign in

31 Demo---Logged in as a user

32 Demo---Creating profile

33 Demo---Creating profile

34 Demo---Backend database

35 Demo---Search Function

36 Demo---Search by gender

37 Demo---Search Result

38 Demo---Search by gender

39 Demo---Search Result

40 Demo---List Events Function

41 Demo---List Events Function

42 Demo---List Events Function

43 Demo---Sign Up Function

44 Demo---Signing up event

45 Demo---Signing up event

46 Demo---Enrolled

47 Demo---Login As Admin

48 Demo---Add Events Function

49 Demo---Add Events Function

50 Document Link

51 Web Application Link Final website(DNS) Final website (Actual) github sharing Database

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