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Late Payment of Insurance Claims - Israeli Law Perspective

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1 Late Payment of Insurance Claims - Israeli Law Perspective
Adv. Peggy Sharon AIDA Reinsurance Working Party Paris, 2nd December 2015

2 Interest and Special Interest
The Insurance Contract Law, 1981 Para 28: Interest 28: Insurance benefits bear index differentials and interest from 30 days after occurrence/claim. Special Interest 28A: Failure to pay insurance benefits which were not in dispute in good faith, within 30 days from the claim – a special interest of up to three times the applicable interest prescribed by law, in addition to the regular interest set above.

3 In which circumstances Special Interest was Imposed?
Cohen v. Clal (2007) Car accident – benefits delayed due to attachments and liens on vehicle. Payment - only 13 months after removal of liens. Unjustified delay in payment = behaviour not in good faith → Double interest rate.

4 Late Change of Position Towards a Claim – not in Good Faith
Laken v. Migdal Lightning damage to electrical board and equipment – at first, Insurer accepted the cause of damage but later changed its position, re an excluded cause related to wear and tear. Breach of duty of good faith. 3 times the interest rate.

5 Wrongful declination Based on Breach of Policy Term
Platinum v. The Phoenix (2012) Declination of claim for lack of security measures without actual check – 1.5 times the rate.

6 Object of the Special Interest - Penalty
Sanction on Insurer’s Conduct Holinsky v. Migdal (2013) Plaintiff lost his work ability and received insurance benefits during two years after which benefits were stopped. The Court: After approval of claim under the policy, The Insurer cannot decline the claim without proving improvement of Plaintiff’s medical condition. Reconsideration of claim after 2 years of payments led to lengthy Court proceedings → 3 times the interest rate.

7 Extra Contractual Damages Imposed Due to Late Payment
Sky Club v. Peltours and Others Declination of coverage and late payment: right for compensation for collapse of business. Damages beyond policy limit. Cause of action - Breach of Contract. Scope of Damage – foreseeable.

8 Loss of Profits caused by Late Payment
Hadar v. Ahad Ha’am Restaurant Late payment of insurance benefits led to loss of lease extension (5 years). The Court: Insured entitled to damages of 5 years loss of profit. The cause of action: Contracts and Tort – negligence. Foreseeable damage in case of declination in good faith, unforeseeable damage where declination was not in good faith.

9 Can the Court Award Both: Damages + Increased interest?
Conflicting Decisions: Dayan v. Shomera (2009) Yes: The Court awarded both: 3 times interest and damages for foreseeable damage. Reasoning: Special Interest = penalty Damages = indemnification for foreseeable Damage. No: Trablus v. Hadar (2002): If the insured can prove his actual damage caused by the delay – he will get the indemnification – if he cannot – he will receive the Special Interest.

10 The Cedent – Reinsurer’s Level:
Is it outside the ceded risk? Involvement of Reinsurer in handling the claim – award should bind the Reinsurer.

11 Merci, Thanks, Toda!

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