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Chapter 16 The Civil War Begins ( )

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1 Chapter 16 The Civil War Begins (1861-1862)

2 Chapter 16 “The Civil War Begins 1861-1862” Section 2 “Life in the Army”
Main Idea: Both Union and Confederate soldiers endured many hardships serving in the army during the Civil War. Terms and Names: 1. hygiene 2. rifle 3. minie ball 4. ironclad

3 I. Who were those who fought?
A. They could be categorized as: 1. averaged between 18 and 30 years old 2. majority were farmers 3. many were immigrants 4. 2 mil Americans served the Union and 1 mil served the Confederacy. 5. most volunteered

4 II. How did they turn civilians into soldiers?
A. Soon after enlisting, volunteers began being trained as soldiers. They 1. lived in camps, 20 men to a tent. 2. trained and drilled repeatedly. woke to a bugle or drum at dawn. had to do same chores: guard duty, dug ditches and chopped wood. 5. Union soldiers wore blue uniforms. 6. Confederate soldiers wore gray or yellowish brown.


6 III. What were the hardships of Army life?
A. Life in the Army was unlike what the volunteers imagined. 1. Soldiers were often wet, muddy or cold. 2. The camps were unsanitary and smelled. 3. Poor hygiene resulted in wide spread sickness. 4. For every one man lost in battle during the Civil War, two and one half men died from disease.


8 5. Hygiene means conditions and practices that promote health.
6. A rifle is a gun with a grooved barrel that causes a bullet to spin through the air. This spin gives the bullet more distance and accuracy. 7. The minie ball is a bullet with a hollow base. The bullet expands upon firing to fit the grooves in the barrel of the rifle. Defenders using rifles could shoot attackers before they got close. 8. Ironclads are warships covered with iron. They were a huge improvement over wooden ships because it was hard to sink them.

9 IV. What were the changes in military technology?
A. Although camp life was crude, military technology had advanced. 1. Rifles replaced muskets. 2. Minie ball bullets improved distance and accuracy. 3. Ironclad ships were developed.




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