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What’s been going on???.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s been going on???."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s been going on???

2 This has been the question we have been getting…
Mrs. Lucas/ Mrs. Manno, What’s going on? What are you doing? Can’t your teacher JUST BE NICE???

3 So why use the bell? This was an example of something called “Classical Conditioning” You learned over time that the sound of the bell meant CANDY!!! Another one you might know is this image means food/French fries

4 Who started this? A scientist named Ivan Pavlov ( ) was researching the digestive system and the effects saliva had on swallowing He was using Dogs for his study

5 Why did he start using the bell?
Pavlov noticed that the dogs started to drool when the dogs saw his assistants lab coats. These assistants were the ones that fed the dogs and always wore lab coats.

6 Why did he start using the bell?
The dogs had associated the lab coats with food, so thought food was on it’s way when they saw the lab coat and began to drool. Pavlov wanted to test this idea further

7 What did it look like?

8 Key Terms

9 Key Terms Unconditioned Stimulus (US): a stimulus that has the ability to produce a specified response before conditioning begins. (FOOD)

10 Key Terms Unconditioned Response (UR): the response produced by the US. (SALIVATION PRODUCED BY FOOD)

11 Key Terms Conditioned Stimulus (CS): an initially neutral stimulus that comes to produce a new response because it is associated with the US. (BELL)

12 Key Terms Conditioned Response (CR): the response produced by the CS. (SALIVATION PRODUCED BY THE BELL)

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