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Comments on RHIC Results

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1 Comments on RHIC Results
Huan Zhong Huang Department of Physics and Astronomy University of California Los Angeles @ShanDong University Oct , 2003

2 Outline High pT Physics – disappearance of back-to-back angular correlation and suppression of high pT yield Multi-parton Dynamics

3 Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions and Volcanic Eruption
Volcanic high pT -- Strombolian eruption Volcanic mediate pT – Spatter (clumps) Volcanic low pT – Bulk matter flows

4 Disappearance of back-to-back angular correlations
y ptrig pss Ptrig – pss same side f correlation ptrig> 4 GeV/c, pss pos 2<pT<ptrig x Ptrig – pos opposite side f corr. pos

5 Suppression of high pT particles
pT Spectra Au+Au and p+p RAA=(Au+Au)/[Nbinaryx(p+p)] Au+Au 0-5% p+p Strong high pT suppression by a factor of 4-5 in central Au+Au collisions ! The suppression sets in gradually from peripheral to central Au+Au collisions !

6 Two Explanations for High pT Observations
Energy Loss: Particles lose energy while traversing high density medium after the hard scattering. Energy loss quenches back-to-back angular correlations. J. Bjorken, M. Gyulassy, X-N Wang et al…. Parton Saturation: The parton (gluon) structure function in the relevant region (saturation scale) is modified. Not enough partons available to produce high pT particles. Parton fusion produces mono-jet with no back-to-back angular correlations. D. Kharzeev, L. McLerran, R. Venugopalan et al…..

7 d+Au Collisions Au+Au Geometry d+Au Geometry d+Au collisions:
q q q Au+Au Geometry d+Au Geometry d+Au collisions: Little energy loss from the dense medium created, But Parton saturation from Au nuclei persists!

8 Data from d+Au collisions
No disappearance of back-to-back correlations! No high pT suppression !

9 High pT Phenomena at RHIC
Very dense matter has been created in central Au+Au collisions! This dense matter is responsible for the disappearance of back-to-back correlation and the suppression of high pT particles !

10 What More Measurements?
1) Precise measurements of charged hadrons, identified particles above 6 GeV/c 2) Heavy quark measurements at high pT 3) Elliptic flow of identified particles above 6 GeV/c 4) Elliptic flow and high pT suppression for different colliding systems 5) High pT suppression at lower beam energy 6) The connection between the dE/dx magnitude and the nature of high dense matter

11 End of Talk

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