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Welcome to your new class! Type your grade..

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to your new class! Type your grade.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to your new class! Type your grade.

2 I am Mrs. Hammer Insert your name here

3 All about me! I have lived in Folsom for the past 18 years.
Both my children have attended FCUSD schools their entire lives. I have been teaching for 6 years. I truly love teaching 5th Tell your students more about yourself.

4 Classroom Rules

5 Classroom Rules Love and Logic
I will treat you with respect, so you will know how to treat me. Feel free to do anything that doesn’t cause a problem for anyone else. If you cause a problem, I will ask you to solve it. If you can’t solve the problem, or chose not to, I will do something. What I do will depend on the special person, and the special situation. If you feel something is unfair, whisper to me,”I’m not sure that’s fair,” and we will talk. Type in your classroom rules.

6 Important times

7 Recess 12:55 Insert time.

8 Lunch 11:00 Insert time.

9 Dismissal 2:37 Insert time.

10 This year’s subjects

11 Math Envision is our math program.
We will be working on math fact fluency. We will use a math notebook format so students will learn how to take notes. Homework will be Monday-Thursday. Insert info or delete slide.

12 Reading Benchmark is our reading program.
We will work on both narrative and expository text this year. Student’s are to read and fill out three book reports per trimester. Insert info or delete slide.

13 Language Arts We use Wordly Wise as our vocabulary program.
We will do Grammar Walk and Talk using the Shurley Grammar Program. We will work on narrative, expository and persuasive writing. We have one large research project this year, The National Treasure Project. Insert info or delete slide.

14 Social Studies We will be studying the states and capitals
We will be studying Colonial America and the American Revolution. We use the Scott Foresman Curriculum. Insert info or delete slide.

15 Science We use the Scott Foresman curriculum.
This is a standardized test area for 5th grade. We study chemistry, the water cycle, the solar system and much more. Insert info or delete slide.

16 Homework Copy slide if you want to add more sections to this PowerPoint.

17 Homework Given out Monday-Thursday nights.
Should be minutes per night plus 20 minutes reading. Extension of in class learning Student’s will have a reading log. Insert info or delete slide.

18 What happens when I am absent?

19 When you are absent… Please check my webpage on the school website for homework. There will be an absent folder waiting for you when you return. You have 2 days for every day absent to make up the work. Insert info or delete slide.

20 Schedule Opening/Bell Work Language Arts Recess Math Lunch
Social Studies/Science Filling out agendas, end of day routine Copy slide if you want to add more sections to this PowerPoint.

21 Grades Copy slide if you want to add more sections to this PowerPoint.

22 Grades Graded on point system Use straight percentage scale
Test/quiz corrections allowed for D or F Can make up grade to a C- 70% Usual grade scale for A-F grades Copy slide if you want to add more sections to this PowerPoint.

23 Field Trips Copy slide if you want to add more sections to this PowerPoint.

24 Field Trips Sly Park will be our big field trip of the year.
More information to come. Copy slide if you want to add more sections to this PowerPoint.

25 Volunteers Copy slide if you want to add more sections to this PowerPoint.

26 Volunteers Welcome Room Parent(s) Copy Parent Wednesday Folder Parent
Art Parent(s) Copy slide if you want to add more sections to this PowerPoint.

27 Parent Conferences Copy slide if you want to add more sections to this PowerPoint.

28 In November Each conference will be 20 minutes long
We will review your students strengths and areas of concern Report cards are based on Common Core Standards Copy slide if you want to add more sections to this PowerPoint.

29 Communication Copy slide if you want to add more sections to this PowerPoint.

30 My INformation Email works best My email address is
I check it before and after school I have office hours on Tuesday’s from 2:45-4:00pm or by appointment. Feel free to stop by after school if you need a quick chat. Copy slide if you want to add more sections to this PowerPoint.

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