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1 Help! I’m a Parent: Christian Parenting in the Real World Forever Friendship
Presented by: (add presenter’s name here) Written by Drs. Claudio and Pamela Consuegra

2 Scriptural Principle No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends… John 15:15 A Forever Friendship

3 Icebreaker- Group Discussion
If you could be the friend of anyone in the world, who would it be? Why? What is the difference between knowing about someone and knowing them? Do the friendships you have reflect your values? If so, in what ways? A Forever Friendship

4 A Friend Defined According to Merriam Webster, a friend is defined by two characteristics: A person who you like Someone you enjoy being with A Forever Friendship

5 Modeling a Forever Friendship with Jesus
Would your child say that Jesus is your best friend? What would make them answer the way they would? Do you speak of Jesus often in your home? Is He given a place of priority in your family schedule? Is He included in your family celebrations? If you want Jesus to be your child’s best friend, then He must first be your best friend. A Forever Friendship

6 Family Worship Children who are most likely to mature in faith are those raised in homes where faith is part of the normal ebb and flow of family life. Religious practices in the home virtually double the probability of a child growing up to be an active member of the church. Benson and Eklin A Forever Friendship

7 Sabbath a Delight? A Forever Friendship

8 Discuss your list with your group members
Group Activity Individually, list ways that you can assure that the Sabbath is a DELIGHT for your children: 1. 2. 3. Discuss your list with your group members A Forever Friendship

9 Everyday with Jesus Making Jesus our child’s best friend is not something that happens if we only go to church on Sabbath. In reality, this happens by being intentional every day of the week. It happens through the small things that we incorporate into our daily activities. A Forever Friendship

10 Ways a Forever Friendship
Benefits Children It promotes their eternal happiness It helps them make sense out of life It’s their best chance to accept Christ It can help counter balance worldly influences It can help them learn to love others It is something fun to do It helps them with their relationships/friendships It gives children special memories It allows them to make friends with adult volunteers in a safe environment A Forever Friendship

11 An Eternity Filled with Benefits
Ultimately, a forever relationship with Jesus Christ means that your child will experience benefits that will not only last a lifetime here on this earth but benefits that will carry them into eternity! A Forever Friendship

12 Child Guidance The work of education in the home, if it is to accomplish all that God designs it shall, demands that parents be diligent students of the Scriptures. They must be learners of the great Teacher. Day by day the law of love and kindness must be upon their lips. Their lives must reveal the grace and truth that was seen in the life of their Example. Then a sanctified love will bind the hearts of parents and children together, and the youth will grow up established in the faith and rooted and grounded in the love of God. White, 1954, p. 66 A Forever Friendship

13 Help! I’m a Parent: Christian Parenting in the Real World Forever Friendship
Drs. Claudio and Pamela Consuegra are the Directors of the Department of the Family Ministries at the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists in Silver Spring, Maryland, USA.

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